Students Motivation

Being a student is awesome. There's free food everywhere (carbs dunked in sugar, of course), you're subjected to intermittent periods of extreme stress, and you're surrounded by predominantly twenty-somethings who have a magical metabolism that allows them to binge drink and eat the aforementioned carbs dunked in sugar with no immediate consequences.

But just in case being a student isn't as awesome for you (and your weight) as it might be for some people... let's commiserate/support each other/motivate each other? I started medical school this year, and have fallen halfway off the wagon. I want to hop back on!


  • KelseyLGilbert
    KelseyLGilbert Posts: 3 Member
    YOU! YOU get a gold star ( (*) ) for putting the nail on the head of the thinking of unhealthy students everywhere! It seems like every time I try and loose weight I begin really strong. I see results. I find my fitness levels increasing. Yet, something always gets in the way, a week of non-stop tests, the ever present plague comes knocking at your door, etc. and it knocks me off of my routine. This time I AM going to loose the weight, not because I want to wear a crop top to the bar (but in all honesty I really do) or because all of my friends are on a health "cleanse", but because when I am healthy I am a better student, when I am a better student I make healthier decisions.

    Glad someone else understands the craziness that is student life! GOOD LUCK THIS SEMESTER!
  • taraontheblock1
    I completely understand! It's amazing how all of my friends in college can just eat whatever they want and stay thin while I'm counting calories. I have about 70 lbs to lose, but I'm down 9. You can add me if you'd like and we can support each other :)
  • eab40726
    eab40726 Posts: 12 Member
    Yesss!!! I'm only in my second semester of school, but I'm already finding these struggles to be very prominent and I'm trying to stop it before it goes too far. Feel free to add me
  • loulou1299
    loulou1299 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm with you all here! I'm currently doing my Masters. During my Undergraduate degree I put on 3 stone because of partying and eating far too many take aways. I took a year out and lost 2 stones but as soon as I started Uni again the constant chocolate fixes to get you through essays and the need to drink you body weight in hot chocolate helped me put 1.5 stone back on.

    Im determined to get down to my pre-uni weight before I graduate!!!!

    Feel free to add me guys :) we can do this together