


  • fieldh1976
    I have a fitbit one. I clip it to my bra. Love tracking my activity on my fitbit account in conjunction with my MFP account. Friend me if you like :)
  • natashadenton79
    natashadenton79 Posts: 2 Member
    I do have a smartphone. Is there any good weightloss apps?

    I use Runkeeper on my android phone. It's pretty good. I mainly walk and do a bit of zumba and this app records both of them as well as lots of other different types of exercise.
    It has both GPS and stopwatch mode so it measures time and distance.
    It also has a reminder setting.
    I love using it.

  • NikkyT30
    NikkyT30 Posts: 91 Member
    I love my Fitbit !!! I have an iPhone and it works well with mfp. It motivates me to move and hit my daily goals. Looking for friends to help w motivation as well. Feel free to friend request.
  • Hungry_Annie
    Hungry_Annie Posts: 807 Member
    I have had too many lol.. I started with the Flex, which I liked, but the stupid chargers kept giving me grief, so I returned it for a new one. New one did the same thing. It was like the charger wasn't touching the tracker. So i got a Jawbone. It was ok, but i didnt like that i had to take the band off and plug it into my phone to sync it. That went back. Then I got the Zip, which I didn't like. I kept forgetting it on my pants when I'd put them in the laundry. SO that went back. Then I got another Flex lol. Took it back because I found out the new Fitbits were coming out soon. I missed having a tracker, so I got a Jawbone UP24. It was ok. But it went back. I got a Fitbit Charge, which I liked. I like that the stats are right on the band. Then I realized the Charge HR was available to buy. So back went the cCHarge, and I got the Charge HR lol. I love it. I used a Polar HRM for many years, and I find the HR on the Fitbit Charge HR to be similar. Nothing is 100% accurate, but I am loving the Charge HR so far. It needs to be charged more often, ive had it a week, and its been charged twice, but it is running a heart rate monitor all day so that's fair.
    I think they are all great motivators, especially if you are sedentary and looking to move more. I am quite active, and it still motivates me. If I am short steps from reaching my goal, i'll hop on my treadmill til I reach my goal, and I feel so much more accomplished than if I had sat on the couch. I also find I park my car farther from stores, or i'll take the long way to get somewhere. They aren't necessary for weight loss, but they are motivating and fun. I recommend them!
    Just my 2 cents lol
  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member
    edited January 2015
    I do have a smartphone. Is there any good weightloss apps?

    Myfitnesspal and fitbit!
  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member
    I've got a fitbit one and like it a lot. I did get the charge but since I don't wear bracelets or necklaces I found that I didn't like wearing the charge and switched back to my one.
  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member
    There's also a fitbit group here on myfitnesspal. If you end up getting one some people post their profiles so you can add them.
  • jevnej
    jevnej Posts: 2 Member
  • jevnej
    jevnej Posts: 2 Member
    I have a fitbit and love mine, it is a fitbit ONE ($99.00) and I also wear it on my bra, connects up easily to fitness pal. It keeps track of your steps, stairs how many calories you have burned that day, you can keep track on your fitbit site too. It will show you how little one does get up and moving, but it keeps me on track for my steps as walking is my only exercise at this point. Even worn it through airport security without any problems
  • mom2atw
    mom2atw Posts: 15
    I do have a smartphone. Is there any good weightloss apps?

    My fitness pal is where I track my calories - and Two Grand is where I am loving accountability! It's daily snapshots of your food and challenges. Keeps you wanting to present a healthy day! Very motivational.
    - I can't live without both of these aps.

    If anyone is there and wants to follow me I have the same screen name.

    For friending here - clicking doesn't work for me. I have to go to my friends. Click the add + and under "email" you can enter the username and send a request. That's how It's been working for me. So copy and paste the usernames.
  • fieldh1976 wrote: »
    I have a fitbit one. I clip it to my bra. Love tracking my activity on my fitbit account in conjunction with my MFP account. Friend me if you like :)

    It won't let me add people for some reason. Feel free to add me :)