Group classes v. working out on your own

For those that do group classes, do you feel like you can work out longer and go harder because your inspired by the instructor and other people in class?


  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    I push harder in group classes because, well, pride. I don't want to be seen taking a break when everyone else is pushing through!
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    waaaaayyyyy better in a class than I do on my own. Not because I'm inspired, although I kinda get a bit inspired. More like I'm lazy and need someone to nag me
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Eh...I often get frustrated by people who are goofing off, not trying very hard or phoning it in, particularly when those people are young and healthy with no excuse. I really don't understand why people go to group exercise classes and without being prepared to put forward their best effort...and why those people want to stand at the front and take up space.

    The "pretending to exercise" crowd gets me down sometimes.

    I have tons of intrinsic motivation--I don't need an instructor or classmates to get me going.
  • anarchysbitch
    anarchysbitch Posts: 64 Member
    I don't like people watching me exercise, I never have. Even when my boyfriend looks at me when I'm on the elliptical trainer I tell him to piss off lol :') so, no classes for me.
  • acollins0770
    I love a group exercise but, it definitely helps with having an instructor that is motivation and giving good vibes to push people! I feel like I am pushed and more disciplined.
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    I'm definitely an on your own person. I love working out by myself. That's why I have a home gym :D . I feel more concentrated and honestly enjoy the solitude
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member

    I have done both. I like both, and I am able to motivate myself pretty well on my own, but if I am tired and really don't feel like working out, I am WAY WAY better off going to a class and standing at or near the front. That pressures me to put forth a good effort even when I would rather be slacking off.

    I used to feel totally weird about other people watching me work out and would hide in a back corner, but as I got more confident with the workouts, I find that I no longer give a snit ;) (Except when creepy guys stare through the windows at the Zumba class. That's just weird.)
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I enjoy the camaraderie of group riding. I do spin class sometimes. The instructor is awesome. Makes you want to push yourself harder than ever.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Timely. I am quitting my gym membership today and going to work at it at home.

    I love group classes. I belong to a community center which opened 2 yrs ago. It had a ton of "free classes" with membership when it first opened. Now, that has dwindled and it just not working for me so I am exercising less, not cool!!!

    Plus I realized that it is just really a "fun thing" and was a great way to get back into the groove. That being said I am ready to go to the next level and the community center does not cut the mustard anymore for me.

    I am probably going to join Gold's Gym after my DH gets his stuff right. He also wants to get fit and we are going to do that together.
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    I'm a dyed-in-the-wool introvert. I'd rather shave my head with a cheese grater than attend a group class.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    For those that do group classes, do you feel like you can work out longer and go harder because your inspired by the instructor and other people in class?

    I don't know that I work out longer or harder, but I love group classes as part of my routine. They mix things up, push me, and I've made a lot of gym friends in them. I am so glad I got over myself a couple years ago and started going (this isn't to say that others need to get over themselves - I know group classes are not for everyone! but for me, what was holding me back was a lack of confidence).

    For instance, taking a hard tabata or boot camp class makes me feel like I'm an athlete. Right now I'm really into a step class with complicated choreography that I *never* thought I'd be able to follow (but I can!). I love that classes get me to try new things and push my limits.
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    For those that do group classes, do you feel like you can work out longer and go harder because your inspired by the instructor and other people in class?
    Yes. I enjoy group classes, but haven't been able to fit them in my schedule for years. I'd love to be able to do them again someday.

  • tornACL2012
    yeah good point
  • MzBanKai
    MzBanKai Posts: 2 Member
    sgthaggard wrote: »
    I'm a dyed-in-the-wool introvert. I'd rather shave my head with a cheese grater than attend a group class.

    Me too. I use the gym at work and find it's always empty just before lunch so that's when I work out. :p
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    I'll freely admit that I push myself more in group class because I don't want to be judged as a fat person who isn't trying hard enough!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yes, because those classes are usually cardio based and I'm proud of myself if I do 10-30 min. of stupid cardio on my own.
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    For those that do group classes, do you feel like you can work out longer and go harder because your inspired by the instructor and other people in class?

  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    Absolutely, I don't have the excuses to stop that I can find when no one is watching.
  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    I'm not a fan of group fitness classes for two different reasons;
    1. when i was overweight I would slack off without the birdseye monitoring of a PT.
    2. now that i'm fitter I don't find them overly challenging.

    I do attend group sessions with a PT (4-5 ladies) and find the workout to be more varied, challenging, specific to my needs and have my technique corrected.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    a group class that I have paid for motivates me to go when I don't feel like it. I also work out on my own.