Learning to putting myself first!

hello, my name is Alex, I am 32 years young, mom of 14 & 13 year old sons. And have been married for 16 years. I have been struggling with my weight since I became a mom. And I always find myself doing it alone with no support.


  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hellow Alex, I am a wee bit older, having sons 16, 20, and 25...and its not an easy thing... We are the caretakers of the world, in my opinion, and we tend to put our lives on the back burner. Nevertheless, we both have teen sons and in all legal purposes, we don't have to be underfoot as much. I have a tendancy to baby the last one, because I can, and that will neither do him any good, and I need to mentally let him make mistakes and grow up. So now its our time, our time to put our needs first. Easier said then done, but its respecting ourselves in the process. To ask for time here and there, and do what we have to do to mentally get in the frame of mind to eat right, exercise more, takes alot of planning. But we plan for our kids, so this is just an extension of that. So you put on the calendar moments for you, and schedule you in. You are worth it :-)
  • MGBrink
    MGBrink Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Mark 64, I too have been over weight for a long time. I just transistorized from a Dr plan to My Fitness Pal. It is great, I've lost 2 more lbs this week. I;m no expert but I think to make this work demands rigorous honesty. If you eat it record it honestly. If you are over goal today, forgive yourself and stay on goal tomorrow. Keep reaching out
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    If you bite it, you write it :smile:
  • Thanks:) never had support for getting healthier. On the contrary I have a hubby that "tries" to sabatoge my dieting but it's nothing I can't handle. Just takes more effort.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    alexcejaq wrote: »
    Thanks:) never had support for getting healthier. On the contrary I have a hubby that "tries" to sabatoge my dieting but it's nothing I can't handle. Just takes more effort.
    Aw...that is awful. Shame on him.

  • macartwrig73
    macartwrig73 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Alex! I'm Margie, 40, mother of a 9 and a 5 1/2 year old. I have been logging into MFP for a little over 2 weeks now and have lost 7 lbs. It works! Welcome!!!

    I have always made sure that my kids ate healthy, making sure that they had fruit and veggies in their lunch, while I was grabbing something unhealthy, running out the door in the morning and would eat an unhealthy lunch out. I now pack my lunch when I pack theirs in the evening because we are just as important as they are!

    We all want to live long and prosperous to see our children succeed in life. Eating healthy is key, not just trying to lose the weight. Let's do it for ourselves first and for our families as well.

    As far as your husband trying to sabotage you, I just block mine out anymore when he gets the bag of chips and sits on the couch. If it's too hard to take, that's a good time to turn in early for the night, chat with someone in MFP, or turn your frustration into energy and work out. Don't let anyone tell you you can't do this!!!

    Good luck! Margie
  • Thanks
  • Still don't know how to reply to each message individually so to everyone that took the time to read and reply to my post, thanks a mill. I love to hear how others are also succeeding and struggling also on our journey to a healthier version of us.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    wow 32 and teen children, you have done a lot fast, you should be capable of doing anything. I am sure you need to think of yourself now. I know I had to be hard on hubby, I fixed a lot of chicken, turkey,fish and vegetables and he had to eat what I fixed and sometimes frozen dinners. I also made him take the pizza into another room like the basement. I had to do this at first. He was a little heavy himself so it worked out fine.
  • Theleminator
    Theleminator Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Alex
    My name is Lem, I'm 47, have a 21yo son, I understand the been alone part, tried to diet with my wife, but she gives up to easy, I feel aloneostnof the time, and sometimes she criticizes me for staying with it!!
    I'm ok...
    That's why we come here and find support on each other.
    To reply just tap on the (" quote) thing.
  • Hi Alex
    My name is Lem, I'm 47, have a 21yo son, I understand the been alone part, tried to diet with my wife, but she gives up to easy, I feel aloneostnof the time, and sometimes she criticizes me for staying with it!!
    I'm ok...
    That's why we come here and find support on each other.
    To reply just tap on the (" quote) thing.

    Hi Lem, might sound mean but so glad someone is going thru the same situation as me with their significante other. And thanks for the tip on how to reply. Hope I did it right;)
  • Hi Alex
    My name is Lem, I'm 47, have a 21yo son, I understand the been alone part, tried to diet with my wife, but she gives up to easy, I feel aloneostnof the time, and sometimes she criticizes me for staying with it!!
    I'm ok...
    That's why we come here and find support on each other.
    To reply just tap on the (" quote) thing.

    So now can you help me on how to send a friend request please
  • Alicia_1981
    Alicia_1981 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 34 with an almost 14 year old son and a hubs that isn't unsupportive but isn't supportive either. So in short I know how hard it us too, but a support system is available here and most if us (can't say all as I might be lying) are keen on helping you.
  • alexcejaq
    alexcejaq Posts: 15
    edited February 2015
    I'm 34 with an almost 14 year old son and a hubs that isn't unsupportive but isn't supportive either. So in short I know how hard it us too, but a support system is available here and most if us (can't say all as I might be lying) are keen on helping you.

    Thanks Alicia. I think I found what I needed. My past rebounds with my weight struggles I have always done them on my own (completely on my own) and I think that's why my weight goals are never ever lasting. I maintain my goal weight maybe a year and then I gain what I lost PLUS 5-10 pound more:( hopefully this time is forever. I don't care how hard it will be to maintain this lifestyle but I will give it my best!!
  • lynxdiva
    lynxdiva Posts: 3 Member
    I have been on MFP for a few years now but never joined the boards. I was searching for a support group for caretakers/caregivers. I will be 48 this week. I have 2 sons who are 4 & soon to be 7 (the day after my birthday) years old. I am the only caregiver/decision maker to my 90 year old father (who I recently had to place in a skilled nursing environment), have a mom with COPD and I work full-time. I am married to a great guy but his Mom was placed in memory care out of state and he has a brother who carries the "physical responsibilities" but my husband is still involved with care decisions. He's supportive but not sticking to an exercise program either, even when it's for us and our youngsters. I'm having a hard time with motivation to exercise. I'm hoping to make a few friends here who can understand the whole caregiver difficulty.
  • jenniferann320
    jenniferann320 Posts: 38 Member
    Im just starting today, Im 33 and a mom of 4, ages 3,5,10,12. Ive never been skinny and ive managed to lose weight on several occassions but seems like everytime i get near 15lbs lost i give up and say im good now only to gain it all back. I plan on checking in and supporting others such as yourself and hopefully getting the same in return. Best of luck to you! YOu can do this!
  • TashuaC
    TashuaC Posts: 47 Member
    lynxdiva wrote: »
    I have been on MFP for a few years now but never joined the boards. I was searching for a support group for caretakers/caregivers. I will be 48 this week. I have 2 sons who are 4 & soon to be 7 (the day after my birthday) years old. I am the only caregiver/decision maker to my 90 year old father (who I recently had to place in a skilled nursing environment), have a mom with COPD and I work full-time. I am married to a great guy but his Mom was placed in memory care out of state and he has a brother who carries the "physical responsibilities" but my husband is still involved with care decisions. He's supportive but not sticking to an exercise program either, even when it's for us and our youngsters. I'm having a hard time with motivation to exercise. I'm hoping to make a few friends here who can understand the whole caregiver difficulty.