Not much weight loss even though I'm giving it my all

Hello people,
Friday is my weigh in day. I've been logging for 30 days straight today. Yet, I've only lost 2,5kg in all !
I lost weight last year by doing pretty much what I'm doing now, and I'd lose about 4kg a month. I'd gone down to 91kg.
I'm a little frustrated with this weeks weight loss (-300grams), because I gave it my all, I worked out 5 times this week, burning 500 to 1000kcals each workout. I didn't cook all my meals but focussed on eating healthy stuff that I knew how many calories were in (like Marks & Spencer prepared meals). I wasnt too bad on water but could have done much better.

I know its paying off SOMEHOW, that it's only the first month on MFP, that it's better than nothing, but I was hoping to shed the pounds quicker than that, get to 91kgs and then focus on bettering how far I had come last year.

It's frustraaaating !!! Also I signed up to a dietbet and I don't want to lose. I need shed 3,6kg to get to -4%.

Do prepared meals have a bad impact on diet ? I only have them for lunch and I believe they are a healthier alternative to going out and picking something up. They have natural ingredients in them, very rarely any E444 or what have you.

Anyone else having similar frustrations ? It's not a plateau, just a frustrating result for such a good week.

Thanks to you all !


  • sahead710
    sahead710 Posts: 74 Member
    What kind of exercise do you do? I feel your pain I've been going at it for 3 months and haven't seen much results either :\ my workout partner tells me to be patient but it's hard when you're really pouring your heart and soul into it.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    2.5 kg is over 5 lbs. That's a pretty good monthly loss.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    That is actually a pretty good loss. How much were you expecting to lose ?
  • omelet2000
    omelet2000 Posts: 110 Member
    Focus on the positive! 2.5 kg is a great first step and it is something! Also focus on the increased energy you have from working out and how you feel better in your body now, and you'll feel better about yourself!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    It's a good loss, so I really wouldn't worry. I'd be happy with that, just over 1lb a week.

    M&S meals are nice, but most ready meals do have too much sodium in them which can cause water retention.

    I find I lose weight quite slowly to begin with (I've had to lose weight after all 3 of my babies) and then all of a sudden I drop a big bit. I started back at the gym when my baby was 6.5 weeks old, and like you was exercising loads and eating at a big deficit, and after a month I'd lost pretty much the same as you'd lost.

    I take measurements too, and sometimes I have a big inch loss, and a not so big loss on the scale.
  • cioube
    cioube Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, thanks for all your advice. I am used to an average of 4 kg a month, which is about 9lbs I think. Sure, it had slowed down as I got closer to 90kg but when I was around this weight it really was melting off, yet I was doing less exercise.

    I'm not going to give up, I just don't understand why I've lost so little. But I'm going to stick to my regiment and it'll pay off somehow sometime !!

    I do TRX, elliptical bike and i just started Les Mills Combat. It's pretty muscle developping orientated (cause i mostly do TRX).

    I have a little more time for meal prepping now so I'm going to try 50/50 prepped meals and M&S meals. I'm rarely above my sodium intake but I'm sure it's healthier that way !!!

  • willdo4025
    willdo4025 Posts: 7 Member
    You answered a lot in your last post. Muscle Development. Could that be what's happening? Have you tried measuring hips, waist, etc? You might see the difference there instead of the scale.
  • Redinky22
    Your headed in the right direction. I would watch the prepared meals though. They have a lot of hidden sugars that aren't listed as sugar. Kind of a marketing gimmick. Truth is, you need to prepare all of your own meals if you want see the kind of results you sound like your seeking. It's alot more work but it becomes a part of the routine. Instead of taking a prepare meal for lunch, perhaps try a salad with a yogurt based dressing and a pack of salmon, tuna, or chicken.

    Hang in there! You're doing better than you think!
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    Hey, I just wanted to add a personal side note which might help. After I had lost about 7kg my progress halted for about 3 weeks even though I was eating right and working out 5 days a week...then...wooosh lost almost 3 kilos overnight. Just remember the scales are an imperfect tool.
  • cioube
    cioube Posts: 39 Member
    You guys are great support :) (I find MFP is great for that, which is so important when on this journey).
    This is my first free weekend since december, the show I was working on has finished. I'm going to focus on meal prepping. I make my dinners, is it bad having the same thing for lunch the next day ?

    Thanks guys !!!
  • cioube
    cioube Posts: 39 Member
    Wow ... Actually. I've lost 2,5kg since being on MFP. But since the 1st of January I've lost 3,5kg ! That was really confusing. I'm going to track a weight chart on excel too ...
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    2.5 kg is about 5.5lb. That's pretty good for a month.
  • annw92208
    Yes my first week stayed right on my calories. Or under didn't not loose nothing , I would have taken anything even a half a pound!