A glass of wine



  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    aplcr0331 wrote: »
    I come from a family filled with alcoholics (and I'm not saying or implying that anyone here is an alcoholic!!!!) but most people do not just have one or two glasses.

    Especially those that drink daily.

    That's 750 calories over a week (if you only drink one glass a night). As long as it fits your goals there should be no problem.
    I don't drink daily but on the weekends I just have 1-2 glasses.
    My DH has 1 glass most nights and I know plenty of people who just have 1-2, so I disagree with you that most people don't have just 1-2 a night. I think your history is affecting how you think of people who are able to and only want 1-2 glasses.
  • mandykent111
    mandykent111 Posts: 81 Member
    It could be, but you really just need to be sure you are staying under your daily calorie intake. If you are according to your app then there is something else off. I like to have a glass or two of wine too, you just need to continue to account for it and make sure you are in a calorie deficit each day to lose weight.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    I'll be honest but even when I was drinking a glass or two a night and fitting it into my calories my weight was stalling (and I do weigh and measure my food). I've since cut it out during the week and drink on the weekends only (typically Friday and Sunday) and not only do I feel better during the week but I've dropped a few pounds as well.

    And I absolutely hear you on it being a habit. When I cut wine out during the week I had to completely change my normal routine otherwise I'd look at the clock, see the time and coerce my husband into having some wine. It really only took two days for the habit to be broken. Once I started doing something else -- making dinner, cleaning things up a bit -- I no longer wanted to unwind with a glass of wine.
  • synergymom
    synergymom Posts: 10 Member
    Ok I will have to agree. As much as I HATE to admit it my wine is sabotaging my goals. I sneak in the glass or two and I do measure it but I'm going over my calorie allotment for it. I didn't realize just how much until I looked at my weekly calorie intake. Yikes.
  • coueswhitetail
    coueswhitetail Posts: 309 Member
    I continue drinking wine or beer in the evening most days, but in order to do that, I have to cut more calories out of my food. It's a tradeoff and at times it's very costly! One way you can save some calories but sort of still endulge your habit is to have some pomegranate or grape juice in a wine glass in the evening. I do that and it feels like you are having wine, but it's less calories! You can have one glass of juice and one glass of wine and then it helps with satisfying your habit but cuts calories and improves nutrition!
  • cecilymarsden
    cecilymarsden Posts: 1 Member
    When you ask if the wine could be the culprit, what do you mean? Are you not losing? When did you start trying to lose?

    How long have you been exercising more? New or increased intesity exercise can cause you to retain water for a while.

  • MikeSanchez2323
    MikeSanchez2323 Posts: 30 Member
    yes wine adds up. So if you know you are going to have a couple glasses with dinner, think about what you are going to consume during the day to ensure you have enough calories left for your tasty glass of wine. Thats what I do with either wine or a couple beers.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Alcohol inhibits burning of any energy source from the body till it's completely metabolized. Since we burn more fat sleeping at night than any other time, drinking alcohol before bed could easily trump it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • pjwithers1
    pjwithers1 Posts: 3 Member
    Anybody have suggestions on a type and brand of wine that is the lowest in calorie/sugar? I am new to the wine scene and when I go into the liquor store I have no idea what to buy
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    edited January 2015
    pjwithers1 wrote: »
    Anybody have suggestions on a type and brand of wine that is the lowest in calorie/sugar? I am new to the wine scene and when I go into the liquor store I have no idea what to buy

    @pjwithers1 I understand that you're new to the wine scene but the last thing I would recommend is going with a cheap low cal/low sugar wine. Yucky yuck yuck! It could possibly turn your palate against the deliciousness that is called wine.

    What I would suggest is to go to some tastings to see what you like. See if your liquor store does this and/or will open a bottle for you to try. If your store is good and you tell them you're new to wine and not sure what to get they will steer you in the right direction and possibly let you "try before you buy". My liquor store will do that (they also know what we drink so I can just call in an order and they will deliver it. Now THAT is service!).
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    synergymom wrote: »
    Ok I will have to agree. As much as I HATE to admit it my wine is sabotaging my goals. I sneak in the glass or two and I do measure it but I'm going over my calorie allotment for it. I didn't realize just how much until I looked at my weekly calorie intake. Yikes.

    It absolutely adds up regardless of whether or not you are "fitting it in" your calories. I was drinking wine daily (with my husband. Not alone LOL) and my weight was stalling and I was getting a gut. I counted calories, I weighed and measured food but wine was a HUGE portion of my calories, more often than not causing me to go over regardless of how I budgeted. I knew what it was that was stalling my weight so I cut it out during the week and now drink on Fridays and Sunday nights. Once in a while I'll break the "rule" and have some during the week (if we have a function to go to or this week because it stormed and we were cooking up stuff for dinner) but it's not that often that I do that. I have seen a marked difference in how I look and my weight since doing this.

  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    I have wine most nights and it is fine. I would stay away from the smart ones and lean cuisines, as they have tons and tons of sodium. I used to eat them too, but feel a lot better now that I don't eat them...they definitely will contribute to your water weight and bloat.
  • synergymom
    synergymom Posts: 10 Member
    I have read a ton of articles on this topic since I posted it. Basically, the bottom line is any alcohol stalls weight loss because it does not allow our livers to function correctly (and therefore for fat to not be burned like it should be). HOWEVER.....there were also a number of articles that said having a glass a night should not hurt. Sticking with a dry wine is your best bet (lower in sugars). Pinot noir and pinot grigio were the two red/white wines mentioned often. Also, if you decide to drink, if you can take your last sip 3 hours before going to bed, that will help your body process better (and sleep will be better). So.....to drink my glass of Pinot Grigio tonight with dinner? that is the question...LOL!