No progress, feeling discouraged.

BreeTree12 Posts: 5
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
Ive been working out and eating right for about 2 weeks now. I know it doesn't sound like a long time but it FEELS like I've been doing this for a while. I eat 1300 calories in a day, and I avoid all junk. I go the the gym at least four times a week. I'm not seeing any progress and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions?


  • DvrDawg
    DvrDawg Posts: 88 Member
    If you are logging accurately and eating at a deficit - you will lose weight. Depending on your current weight, you could see your metabolism slow as it adjusts to a lower calorie intake (i.e. your body thinks you are starving, so it goes into survival mode). It took me a few weeks as well. After a few weeks, I started to see some bigger losses. After I hit about 11 pounds, it took about another 3 weeks to lose again. I have recently broke through another plateau and dropped about 4 pounds in the last two weeks after not losing for 2 weeks. Patience and Persistence - don't give up. Log accurately, limit sodium & processed foods/carbs and drink water. Also, remember to get adequate protein since you will lose muscle as you lose weight -which will lower your BMR -so, added protein will help with muscle retention (but, doing some strength training will help as well).

    Good Luck!!
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    You're not doing anything wrong. Trust the process, just keep doing what you are doing and you will drop weight. Let us know in another month how you are doing. Just take one day at a time...
  • gmax69
    gmax69 Posts: 18 Member
    I totally agree with chgodvr said and I want to reiterate the portion about the lower calorie intake. One of the biggest mistakes I see with people wanting to lose weight is they start exercising excessively and cutting their calories way back at the same time. Just keep doing what you're doing and you can tweak your calories down the road.
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    What has helped me throughout losing and maintaining was patience and persistence......endless patience and persistence.

    You are only 2 weeks into this and realistically you did not gain the 40lbs you wish to lose at a rapid rate at sadly, thus it is in reverse.

    You sound as though you have made some major life style changes, along with adjusting your eating patterns....maybe you are feeling a little bit overwhelming with the apparent lack of "nothing" from your body, despite this transformation, so perhaps ease back a little. Perhaps revisit the MFP settings and check that the 1300 cal alloment you have, hasn't come about because you have put in a too aggressive lose per week goal, maybe you wouldn't feel so discouraged if your calories were higher.

    Keep logging and weighing your foods, don't be too strict with yourself and go down the route of depriving yourself of your favourite foods because they now rank as "junk/bad" whatever.....deprivation will not help you last the distance nor is it a sustainable healthy way to live.

    I agree with the other poster about protein and watching sodium intake and keeping well hydrated. I do suggest that you familiarize yourself with this forum, read as much as you can and get inspiration from success stories etc etc. Perhaps branch out and get to know like minded people such as yourself with similar goals with which to share the journey.

    Good luck
  • Just hang in there. Don't give up, you are going to reap the rewards of your hard work.
  • Dont worry just keep your head up. You will see results! You just gotta keep up the good work. Summer bodies are made in the winter. Dont stop now.
  • It is normal to not see results in the first couple of weeks, everyone's body is different. Calories aren't everything, so as long as you are focusing on good whole foods (not "diet" foods) and are getting the right amount of proper exercise, you will be in good shape in no time. Don't be so hard on yourself, just have fun. Think of it as more of a new lifestyle, not a diet plan. o:)
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited January 2015
    chgodvr wrote: »
    If you are logging accurately and eating at a deficit - you will lose weight. Depending on your current weight, you could see your metabolism slow as it adjusts to a lower calorie intake (i.e. your body thinks you are starving, so it goes into survival mode). It took me a few weeks as well. After a few weeks, I started to see some bigger losses. After I hit about 11 pounds, it took about another 3 weeks to lose again. I have recently broke through another plateau and dropped about 4 pounds in the last two weeks after not losing for 2 weeks. Patience and Persistence - don't give up. Log accurately, limit sodium & processed foods/carbs and drink water. Also, remember to get adequate protein since you will lose muscle as you lose weight -which will lower your BMR -so, added protein will help with muscle retention (but, doing some strength training will help as well).

    Good Luck!!

    Well, I agree with the first and last sentence of this. Also, make sure you are weighing all of your food. Everything...even prepackaged foods. Accurate logging is key. If you don't log accurately and are off on serving size by several grams here and there those calories add up quickly. Most of the time when people aren't losing, it's because they're not accurately logging and eating more than they think. Also, hit your macros. Don't skimp on things like fat or protein. These help with satiety among other things.

  • camper2022
    camper2022 Posts: 80 Member
    Don't give up yet! It will come .... it usually takes 3 weeks before something becomes a habit and you will see results. Keep plugging away ...
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I would start by reading some of the stickied posts in the forums, starting with this one:

    Logging accuracy, consistency, and you're probably eating more than you think.

    My personal motto on this journey: If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up! :)

    Good luck!
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Believe it or not but 1300 calories might be too low when you're exercising. Your body might be in "store" mode. I was at a 1500 calories deficit per day and didn't budge. I work out on average 5 days a week and found my good target at 1500 to 1600 calories. Also try dropping your sugar intake (even natural found in fruit) and sodium to half of suggested allowance on app.
  • mike195052
    mike195052 Posts: 1 Member
    Hang in there girl! My wife got me on fitness pal three months and be leave me I didn't go down easy. Like you the first two weeks nothing! My wife kept telling me to hang in there. Out blue I stated losing a pound or better a week! I just completed my first goal simply break 200. Weighed this morning 199.00 on the money that's 26lbs in three months. That would not sound like a big deal but my weakness is cooking and eating what I cook! I was my on worst enemy!
    So I say agin in there it will happen!
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I fell the exact same way. I have been working out for about 3 months and have lost nothing. (Started logging to see if my food was in check and it is, I weigh food when I am insure) it goes down and then up the next day , never just stays there. :( I did 8 months of mfp and lost 11 lbs so I gave up. It's too slow for a 45# goal. I hope you find your solution.
  • harryalmighty
    harryalmighty Posts: 10 Member
    chgodvr wrote: »
    If you are logging accurately and eating at a deficit - you will lose weight. Depending on your current weight, you could see your metabolism slow as it adjusts to a lower calorie intake (i.e. your body thinks you are starving, so it goes into survival mode). It took me a few weeks as well. After a few weeks, I started to see some bigger losses. After I hit about 11 pounds, it took about another 3 weeks to lose again. I have recently broke through another plateau and dropped about 4 pounds in the last two weeks after not losing for 2 weeks. Patience and Persistence - don't give up. Log accurately, limit sodium & processed foods/carbs and drink water. Also, remember to get adequate protein since you will lose muscle as you lose weight -which will lower your BMR -so, added protein will help with muscle retention (but, doing some strength training will help as well).

    Good Luck!!

    survival mode is a load of *kitten*.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    mgalvin12 wrote: »
    You're not doing anything wrong. Trust the process, just keep doing what you are doing and you will drop weight. Let us know in another month how you are doing. Just take one day at a time...

    This. A month is enough time to see minor movement in the scale, but really 3 months is a better measurement -- by then you should see slight improvement when comparing pictures (you did take "before" pictures, right?) and your clothes should fit differently. 2 weeks isn't enough time for much of anything. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

    And yes, there's no such thing as survival mode. Have you ever seen those images of chubby, starving kids in Africa? Neither have I. That doesn't mean you shouldn't (or couldn't) be eating a little more, but since none of your stats are viewable it's impossible to say.

  • Thank you all for all the support!!! I'm not giving up this time, I'm sticking with it. I'm gonna keep doing my best and hopefully I'll see progress. I wish all of you the best as well. You guys motivate me every single day and I hope you all stay mostivated too! This app has done wonders for me and I thank all of you for the endless support.
  • jnyland80
    jnyland80 Posts: 1 Member
    I found that tweaking my calories according to my workouts has helped. There was a week where I could not work out and kept to my calorie goals and was losing weight. The following week I started back on my workouts, kept the same calorie goals and didn't see any progress. I found that I had to up my calories when I was working out. I also found this website useful as far as calculating how much calories you need to maintain your current weight and how much you need to lose (according to your weight loss goals and level of activity.) So calorie to maintain current weight was like 2300 and to lose about a 1.5 to 2lbs a week, with exercise, was like 1600. The week that I was not working out I was only consuming about 1300.
    Keep at it and you'll get there. We, including myself, are always looking for quick results. Doesn't happen. Be patient. :)