hi everyone please help need to lose 48 lbs

I just joined mfp hoping to get some tips, guidance and motivation to lose 48 lbs please anyone with experience add me!


  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    edited January 2015
    2 things, from personal experience.

    1. It keeps me motivated if I read motivating books in the process. Earlier books from Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey and others work for me. I particularly recommend Tony Robbins' "Unleash the Giant Within."

    2. Also, no matter how many days you plan to work out a week, start by working out every. single. day. until it becomes a habit.
    Because your body longs for the "norm." And if working out is an established part of your routine you'll never have to "make yourself" do it; you'll just do it out of habit.
    (Edit: To say it another way: It's MUCH easier to make yourself NOT work out, than to make yourself work out.)
  • im_nikkijohnson
    Hello I'm in the same boat as you.
  • zillie88
    When did you start your diet hun?
  • zillie88
    Thank you Bdonjon at moment I can only do 4 days as don't the time but I wish I could do it everyday!