katydjones08 Posts: 2
edited November 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Fellow fibromyalgia suffers. I am 27 year old single mum of 3 beautiful children. Unfortunately for the last 7 years I have been suffering Fibromyalgia. Also was diagnosed with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension last year, which caused swelling of the brain due to build up of fluid.
I suffer pain daily, taking high strength opiates to control pain. Relax nerves for night time, which still i only get 4 5 hours if im lucky. I have chronic fatigue between lack of sleep and exhaustion from pain.
I remember one time within the last seven years that i felt really good. I was attending toning tables and also being made healthy regular meals. After a 6month period i looked great and felt great. I was pacing myself each day with regular activities, had the help i needed in place. Accepted that there still be bad days. I felt more energised, less fatigued, skin looked much healthier. I learnt to cope with a lot of pain and reduced an intake of tablets, working through the pain. Was able to do more with my children which was the most important thing to me.
Ive had my last child since then and been in a bad situation at home, left my husband and ended up with this brain thing. all in which i ended up 3 stone heavier.
I lost 2 stone, a stone has just creeped right back on in last 3 weeks as easy as that. Im mentally in a bad place, low self esteem confidence. I need this to help me with all of this to be their for my children.
It be nice to have any advice, from anyone. What foods are best, any recipes, fibromyalgia good foods/ bad foods.
maybe just some motivation and a friend to keep me going
Many thanks for reading my story.



  • HulasMom
    HulasMom Posts: 14 Member
    Hello Kat! I was also diagnosed with fibro. Truly I felt like I couldn't go on feeling so terrible everyday. I decided to go on line and investigate investigate investigate everything I could to make myself feel better. What worked for me was getting rid of gluten in my diet! I feel 90% better!!! It's worth a try!! Good luck to you!
  • TrinNZ
    TrinNZ Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Kat, I do not have fibro (though a dear friend struggles with it), however as I was investigating the raw vegan lifestyle this year I kept coming across stories of people who had drastically reduced their symptoms through this lifestyle. So my suggestion would be, as well as the gluten, to cut out all processed foods, sugar (only get sugar from fruits) and meat and seriously up your veggie intake. Also cut out dairy. It may sound hard but surely not as hard as the pain you are living with now. It takes time for our bodies to heal themselves so this is not a quick fix. I wish you the best of luck and for some inspiration, here is an article I came across.

    ~ Jody
  • Hey Kat, I have been diagnosed with fibro and MS so I know how it is to deal with the pain, along with trying to having a "Normal" life. It is hard to do but with a positive attitude and a good support system you can do wonders. I will send you a friend request and maybe we can work thru this stuff together and motivate each other. If not that is ok too I wish you luck in this journey.

  • phoenixmed
    phoenixmed Posts: 114 Member
    Every research made si far agréé that physical exercise is the best treatment for fibromyalgia' so set small goals at the beginning and increase gradually
  • I'm in the same boat. I've only been diagnosed for a few months and been suffering for a couple of years now. I'm 23 and I'm nervous about the idea of not being able to have children or a normal life because of the constant pain and I'm hoping if I get myself healthier then things will be easier. You're not alone!
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I was diagnosed with it many years ago and through water exercising in warm water 88-90 and stretching multiple times a day I am now for lack of better terminology in remission. I know when it is starting and get extra rest and exercise at slow pace with focus on stretching and am now very active Competitive skier and coach as well as training hard in gym with weights of guys for legs and upper well it is coming along. I workout multiple hours now at a time and have been off all medicines for about 7 years Processed food willset things off and I do take anaproxen to keep inflammation down daily. There is hope hang in there and find what works for you learn how to massage trigger points and don't listen to just one person for advise each person seems to have their own map to recovery and it is possible I have friends who also have overcome and are doing great now.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I've got "it" toooo.... Due to hypo-thyroid condition.... Ouch all over! Going to do some restorative or yin yoga and hope it helps.
  • Hi everyone thank you so much for your kind messages. Sorry I'm only now getting back to you. I appreciate the support and I am taking on the advice. I have the past 2 weeks changed my eating habits, I'm attending an expert patient course for long term illnesses. As much as it's agonising to go and sit there I really like going to see the people who suffer the same as me understand me. The tutors are teaching us how to cope and better mange our illnesses. All though still in pain I'm starting to feel good. My moods definitely picking up, feel brighter over all. Along with all your added support and advice I really think I can do this. I know Itll take time, I'm not giving myself I time limit just taking it each day. Small exercises much better eating and cognitive therapy for the depressio
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