
Okay, so I know saturated fats and trans fats are "bad fats" and mono and poly unsaturated are "good." Should I cut out saturated and trans fats completely from my diet and replace them with mono and polyunsaturated? Or just lower them? I need help with my calculations. I'm 128 lbs, 5' 2'' and I consume 1,200 calories a day. I exercise 3 days a week (45 mins of cardio and then additional lifting.) And should I increase my protein and lower my carb. intake since i'm lifting? My main goal is to try and get to 120, lose body fat and increase muscle. (I'm aware muscle weighs more than fat.) Another thing is that I'm a peanut butter addict and it has saturated fat. Any help is appreciated!!

Basically I'm trying to refresh or restart my diet. I started my weight loss journey at 194 lbs. And ever since I got down to 130 it seems much more difficult to lose weight. I always hit plateaus before but never for this long. I tried lowering my calorie intake to 700-900 and I realized that the only thing that did was drain my energy and I was constantly hungry. Nothing is working!!


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Hey awesome job getting started! lets see if we can get ya all set up. So really dont worry about the kinds of fats, yes some types are better than others but if you have too much any kind will be bad for you. So set your fat goal to 25%. Next protein, for optimal performance and results you want to get 1g per pound of body weight, so for you 128g per day, after that the rest can be filled with carbs, so enjoy! Also I would probably suggest you try to do alittle more lifting if you are comfortable with it, it is amazing for weight loss, and even better it makes you look amazing when your all done losing weight. Finally lets see if you can increase your calories just a tad, 1400 should be good for now, itll help you restart the diet like you want, that 700-900 period probably messed with your metabolism a bit and the new higher calories will have the weight practically falling off! after that you are good to go! Lets kick some 2015 butt!
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    How long have you been stuck? If you haven't lost weight for 3 weeks or more, you might have to look at your logging accuracy. Cutting down on saturated fats is always good health-wise, however to lose weight all you need is a calorie deficit. Do you weigh everything with a food scale?
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Do you have a problem with fats? Serum cholesterol levels? Lipids? Is any of this making sense?

    If you don't, and your Doc hasn't advised you to avoid them, then you really don't have to. They aren't affecting your weight loss. Fats don't make you fat, per se, *calories* do.
  • Thank you all so much! I reached my weight around november of last year and have been stuck ever since. (i was eating unhealthy around the holidays and not counting calories but at the begging of the year i started over and nothing has changed). I do measure all of my food. I just dont want to start increasing calories and then start gaining weight and then have to lose it again. How often do you suggest i lift? Basically i go to the gym tuesday thursday and saturdays. I do the elliptical for 25 minutes. Lift for maybe 20 minutes. (if its leg day ill do each leg machine once and 3x15...if its arm day ill do each arm machine 3x15...etc..) and finish off with 20 minutes of either the treadmill with an incline of 8 or a stationary bike. And do i have to eat back the calories i burn? Or no? Ive heard mixed things about this. Again thanks to everybody who responded! :)
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    It happens all the time plateaus are part of the process, increase your calorie by 100-200 per day and you will not be eating back your exercise calories. And dont worry about gaining weight it is alot harder to gain weight then you think and when you increase your calories you will most likely start to lose weight again. 3 days a week at the gym is pretty good but itf you can make it 4 days a week even better! 20-30 minutes of cardio and lifting is pretty good, but I would suggest switching to free weight ( dumbbells and bars) it is more of a workout and works more muscles at a time