5 feet tall ladies



  • embee2301
    embee2301 Posts: 17 Member
    Keep going shorties! This month's diet is next month's body!! don't stop now! :)
  • nburt72
    nburt72 Posts: 4 Member
    Im almost 43yrs young and 5'1" barely! Just started MFP. Current weight 152lbs, goal weight 132lbs and then we will see from there.
  • Angiefit4life
    Angiefit4life Posts: 210 Member
    Great post! I am 5'1" start weight 156, current weight 141 and my goal weight is 114. Let's keep rocking it ladies!
  • ShinyHappyMe15
    ShinyHappyMe15 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 4'11 as well. My cw is 161, My first goal is 130, then my final goal is down to about 115.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Just wear your full outfit at home for your husband to appreciate the full effect. Then wear your boots for walking, changing into your heels in the ladies room of the restaurant. Then he can watch you looking all hot walking to the table. I lived in Minnesota for 7 years. Trust me, there is no other safe option.

    p.s. You look great in the dress and congrats on the anniversary.


    I live in Montreal. This is what we do all winter. Just change your shoes at the restaurant and check your coat and boots at the coat check.
  • amlan
    amlan Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'1 and 35 years old. I am at 116 now which I am happy with but I am looking to tone my tummy and thighs.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I'm 5'2, I started at 171. I am now 127.4. My goal is 125, but I may go lower once I get there.
  • perkamer
    perkamer Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5ft and been working on getting down to 125-130. I have found that it is difficult. I started at 168, I am down to 157 and found that l need to keep changing things up in either exercising or eating in order to get continued weight loss.

    Go Shortys!
  • jlecroy74
    jlecroy74 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 4'11" aiming for 115.
  • LowCarbHeart
    LowCarbHeart Posts: 69 Member
    5'2" and 28 yrs old
    Starting Weight: 192
    Current Weight: 132
    Goal Weight: 112
  • camper2022
    camper2022 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 45 years old. I am 141 now but would love to get down to 135 by May or June. Please add me as a friend.
  • d576
    d576 Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    I am 33 years old , 4'11 and my goal weight is 110.
  • chelseaabram
    chelseaabram Posts: 2 Member
    what's your goal weight?
    Im 30 and I just had my 2nd child a few months ago. I stared MFP at 164 and I'm down to 148. My goal is to get to 130 but I'm wondering what other short ladies are aiming for.
    Also feel free to add me. Looking for more MFP friends :-)
    I'm 5'0, 155 pounds and my goal is to weigh 125 by spring!
  • SusanUW83
    SusanUW83 Posts: 152 Member
    edited January 2015
    5.0 started at 163, lost 40 but couldn't maintain at 123 -- the difference between weight loss and TDEE is so small for short, lighter ladies that I found it hard to maintain. Too many indulgent meals or days and I gained 15 back. Now I know I'm going to have to work a lot harder to keep the weight off. I think my goal is to stabilize in a size of clothes which means stay between 123-128. Any lower and I'd have to restrict my diet more than I want, I think.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    5'1 and my current goal is 120 but as I get closer I think I may move it to 115 depending on how I feel about everything.
  • I'm 37, 4 ft 10 and my goal weight is 90 to 100 pounds.
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    Hi I'm 5 ft and half an inch. ( the half IS important I agree) 41 yrs old. Starting weight 12 st 7 ( 175 lb) and current weight is 9 st 7 ( 133 lb). Goal weight is 8 st 4 (116) though I might move that depending. I thought my waist would be smaller at this current weight and my original goal of 9 stone (126) won't do, sadly.
    The last bit is unbelievably slow.
  • attosa
    attosa Posts: 419 Member
    Attosa, if you aren't doing some kind of weight bearing exercises at the moment, start.
    I have been doing nerd fitness for the past 3 months, and just started a bit of heavy lifting today.
    You may well find with a bit of body reshaping you won't want to lose more.
    I wish I had incorporated weights ( of any kind) consistently through out my weight loss. I wouldn't be struggling so hard now to retain and improve my LBM.
    Cheers, h.

    Thanks! I'm doing weights 3 x a week. It's moving along slowly. I want results faster. Gotta tighten up my diet, surely. You're also right, I don't think I want to lose more. Just reshape. Cheers! x
  • Hi girls I'm 26 5.1 I started at 172 lbs now I'm 166 my goal is 125 lbs but it's really hard!!!!!
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    Five foot 1 and currently 154 - Some folk will think this is high but I'm aiming for 140. I look fab at 140... :-)