Why can't i loose weight?



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Sammy85x wrote: »
    Oh yeh I know what that it, I have one. I thought you meant it was an app called a food scale

    OK :D No, just the thing, not an app ;)

  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Sammy85x wrote: »
    Yeh I am logging everything? What is a food scale?

    Just a scale used for weighing food. I got a digital Salter one from Amazon. I'm surprised you don't have one already. I guess you're English like I am, and all our recipes are in grams or ounces, so we've always had a scale, I just got a better one a couple of years ago.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    johnsat wrote: »
    With the gym exercises you could be building mussel mass and mussel are a lot heaver than fat keep at it. To many people expect a instance lose but not putting on weight is a good start. Keep doing with what you are and have a look in 3 months even if you still haven't lossed anything at least you will know that you are a lot fitter than you were and that's what counts. Enjoy and don't let any one tell you that you are not wonderful.

    I'd be concerned if I had mussels on me lol. Yum, moules frites!

    Muscle is denser than fat, not heavier!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Sammy85x wrote: »
    But on herehttp://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ it asks for your body fat %, how do i find out what it is?

    You're about 40% fat give or take - accurate enough for now.

    There are various ways you can get it measured from relatively low accuracy electronic scales, skinfold measurements etc through Bodpod or Dexa scans (££).
  • oh22223
    um eating healthy doesnt matter for example yesterday i ate 570 calories worth of kitkats and mini donuts and i still lost weight. its calories in/calories out and youre probably eating more than you think (this is why i have a food scale) even packaged foods can have more calories than it says there is in the entire package especially baked things. so weihg those too if you want to be truly accurate
    also you could be retaining water try eating less sodium and drinking a lot more water you will probably see a difference.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Can we see your diary?

    As for the calculator don't worry about the bf%, just use the athlete formula, the result is negligible (as in a few calories either side)

    Or use one of these.


  • Cailmeg
    Cailmeg Posts: 3 Member
    heres whats working for me. Increasing water intake, cutting out added sugar (natural sugar is fine) watching sodium intake.Weighing and measuring everything . And eating less processed and fast foods. My biggest vice was pop , which was difficult to stop. I started with switching one can per day with carbonated lemon water and eventually gave up pop all together . Another thing to remember is not to drink your calories. Alcohol, Fruit juices, and coffee/tea with cream and sugar add up very quickly. Stick with it . I wish you luck
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Oh it drives me crazy when my husband decides he needs to lose 20 lbs and he loses it in no time (2 months maybe?), simply by cutting BACK (not cutting OFF, but cutting BACK) on the amount of chips he eats. Seriously....

    That said...I echo the folks who said to start using your food scale to weigh your food. Everything. Account for EVERY SINGLE THING you eat. Including condiments like mayo or jam. And for me drinking water helps curb my hunger, and it does help with hydrating your body so you can avoid retaining water...which adds to the scale readout. ;)
  • Sammy85x
    Sammy85x Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you all for your help x
  • Sammy85x
    Sammy85x Posts: 26 Member
    edited January 2015
    Quote from cityruss - I prefer a to use the TDEE method rather than let MFP do it for me. So I calculate an estimated TDEE then deduct 10%/15%/300/400/500/whatever then set a custom goal in MFP.

    Sorry what do you mean by deducting 10% etc?
    Sorry I'm useless with these kids of things x
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Err, you find your estimated TDEE, then deduct a set amount, be it 10% or 500 calories or whatever, and that will give you a calorie goal.

    This means you're eating less calories than your body is using, so your body uses its own energy stores to make up for this deficit.

    You lose weight.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Honestly, got to log, and log honestly.

    You will be surprised how many calories are really in some things. Cereal for example, is actually usually 50% more calories than it says based on volume. So, you should weigh it instead.

    Get a food scale. Seriously. Super cheap on Amazon.

    Bars of chocolate? ... ... You may enjoy them, and a "Few a week" adds up. A lot. As an example, I need to jog on the treadmill for about 45 to 55 minutes to have 1 snickers bar according to the calories burned calculated by the machine. These calculations tend to be pretty low too. So most people log only half the calories. So doing it that way, I'd need to jog for about 1.5 hours to have 1 snickers bar.

    What you need to do is:

    Find your BMR.
    Find your TDEE.
    Set your calorie goals in between there. Above BMR, under TDEE.
    TDEE - 500 = 1 pound a week
    TDEE - 750 = 1.5 pound a week
    TDEE - 1000 = 2 pound a week

    Weigh ALL your food. Weigh each slice of bread, cup of rice, etc.

    When you log your calories burned at the gym, only log half. If the machine says you burned 500, log it as 250.

    Finally, if despite all the above, you still are not losing, it is because you simply are still not in a calorie deficit. This is usually because of tracking issues or estimation issues, not because your metabolism is weird and special.

    If this happens to you, you should lower your calorie goals again. Some people, myself included it seems, will put a goal, and meet it according to the website, but actually are overeating and don't realize it. So, lowering the goal, while still overeating can solve it.

    1500 calorie goal and you honestly log 1500 but still not losing. You are actually eating 1750 and not realizing it.
    So you set the goal to 1250 and honestly reach it. You're still accidentally going over by 250 but now its reaching 1500.

    If you've done marksmanship before, "Kentucky Windage" sort idea.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    Sammy85x wrote: »
    I've been trying to loose weight since the start on jan. But nothing seems to be working.
    I go to a high impact aerobics class once a week and go to the gym 2 - 3 times a week burning between 300 - 400 cals each time. I'm eating a lot less and more healthier. I am a chocoholic so still eat a few bars a week but not excessively over eating it.
    I've not lost any weight at all since I've started. I don't no what to do it's so frustrating. What am I doing wrong? My tummy looks bigger now than when I started!
    Please help xI use fitness pal and according to my height and weight it says my calories should be around 1,750 to be loosing 1 pound a week. Is that too much? x

    Those few bars could be doing it depending on the size of them. But generally the advice you'll get from most on here is what you need to follow - track what you're eating. Buy some food scales and weigh things before you log them.
  • Sammy85x
    Sammy85x Posts: 26 Member
    It's says my bmr is 1,602 and my tdee is 2252. So what do you think I should make calorie goals? Sorry I'm a pain, just takes me a while to understand the best way for me to understand.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Sammy85x wrote: »
    I'm 29, I'm 13 stone 3 at the min and around 5ft 7. I'm a nursery nurse, so on my feet quite a bit running around after 2 year olds. I use the gym and when I log out it tells me how many cals I've burned. That 5lbs was lost ages ago when I was on weight watchers and wasn't doing any exercise at all. But I can't afford to do weight watchers as it's not cheap. I don't understand as I wasn't exercising at all then and now I am and I'm not loosing anything! It's really getting me down
    I think your answer lies in here. Weight watchers makes you count points/calories right? You were eating exactly what they set for you, hence you lost weight.
    Now you have to swap counting points for counting calories. Yes, it's a bit more work, but if you accurately weigh, measure and log you will lose weight.