New to MFP - gluten-free vegan looking for friends

Hi, I am new to MFP. I am a few pounds over my ideal range, but would love to lose 20+ pounds. I am a gluten-free vegan who loves to eat raw and I juice daily. My kids have food allergies, so most of what I make is homemade. I am also a cancer survivor, so being healthy is very important to me. Looking for support as I get started on this journey. :smile:


  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    Just requested to add you! I just recently got back to using MFP as of 2 weeks ago, and have about 20lbs to lose also. Yay to getting healthier and healthier! :D
  • Marchmallow
    Marchmallow Posts: 124 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'm not gluten free and a vegetarian that eats vegan a lot, but I thought these three recipes would suit you :) (they're vegan, I think)
  • BetsyRay01
    Marchmallow, thanks so much for the link! I get tired of eating the same things over and over. Heidi, I just accepted your request. I am so glad that I found MFP! :smiley: