Lose weight for Spring Break?

Hello! Does anyone want to be friends on here and support each other in our weight loss goals?

I'm in college and surrounded by fattening foods and alcohol all the time and its really hard to stay on track. I'm a senior now and my weight has been slowly creeping up the whole time I've been in school.

I am 5'2 and I currently weigh 150lbs, I'd ultimately like to be back at my lowest weight (120lbs) but for now I'm just trying to lose the most weight I can before spring break, for me that's Feb 28th. :)

Let me know if you are interested!


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I wish you luck on your crash dieting. :)

    Remember, if you don't reach your goal by your deadline, that you can try again, making adjustments to your diet and exercise that you can work on for a longer time and change your current bad habits into better ones that may last a lifetime.

    Whether it happens by Spring Break or not, you can do it. :)
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Buddy up for sure. Having friends to help you push yourself and stay accountable is an awesome thing to do. I’d be happy to be your friend and help give you support and accountability. I’ll suggest that you don’t do drastic things to lose a bunch of weight in the next month. Start making healthy nutritional decisions. If you want to maximize your progress for the next month, that means very little to no eating out or alcohol for now (just temporarily while your trying to make the best progress).

    Start with a calorie deficit that allows you to lose ~2 lbs/week and doing some intense exercise for 30-60 minutes 5 days/week. That’ll get the ball rolling and you can make some great progress by the time Feb 28 comes around.

    If you need help, let me know. I’m always happy to do so.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Are you losing weight for spring break or losing weight permanently?
  • This sounds so much like me. I weighed 120lbs all through highschool and then gained a lot in university, maxing out at 150 in my 3rd year. I was able to lose a lot of weight at one point but gained it all back and then some. I didn't lose it for good until I was out of school and away from that lifestyle. You can add me if you want, although I don't any advice for you other than lay off the booze, which I know is easier said than done at this point in your life! When you are ready though, it makes a HUGE difference.
  • dontgivein12
    dontgivein12 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm definitely wanting to lose weight by spring break! I want to lose 10lbs! I have gained maybe 10-13lbs and I really need the help and motivation!