2 Weeks Post Op

I had surgery on April 21st and as of May 6th I have lost 16lbs. Is this an average loss. I thought (from what I have heard) I would have lost over 20 in 2 weeks. I guess I cant complain cause I could not have lost this amount any other way.


  • Bubbles_09
    Bubbles_09 Posts: 65 Member
    What did u get done??
  • jasonweinberg
    jasonweinberg Posts: 270
    what type of weight-loss surgery did you have? 16 lbs. lost in that amount of time is actually pretty substantial. off liquids yet? how are you feeling?
  • jenifer13
    jenifer13 Posts: 5
    I had Gastric By Pass I feel great, The first week I was a little light headed. This past week went well feeling good. Went to a few of my sons baseball games. Still on soups for the next 2 weeks.
  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    Congrats..Im having the same operation in a few months...I cant wait.
  • jenifer13
    jenifer13 Posts: 5
    2 weeks out and Im happy I did it. That first night in the hospital I thought other wise, but once I came home to my own bed and my family I felt better.
    Are you having the bypass?
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    what type of diet is one on after this type of surgery, sounds like liquids to begin with but in the long run what will your diet look like?
  • jenifer13
    jenifer13 Posts: 5
    After about 45-50 days its just small meals with mostly protein. No soda, beer, sweets. Its almost like being on the atkins diet, except they want you to have a very small amount of carbs. Right now its hard cause I want something with texture.:huh: