
Hi I have been on MFP for a while on and off but this time I am determined to lose the weight. I recently got a fitbit and am looking for more friends with or without a fitbit so we can encourage each other, please add me!


  • tywill0407
    I'm the same as you...lost all of my old friends since I got a new user name.
  • jenandevie
    jenandevie Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, you guys can both add me if you like. :D
    I've been on and off here for a while aswell but hadn't joined the MFP community. I could do with some extra motivation to lose the final 5 kilos (and then not to put back on! Lol!). I dont have a fitbit but would be really interested in hearing how you get along with it to see if it would be worth me investing in!
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Hey. I am off and on here too but recently have started back up again and I also have a Fitbit. Feel free to add! :)
  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    Hi! You can me. I also have a Fitbit.