what am i doing wrong???? HELP!!!

I am eating right and excercising but somehow in one week i went from 168 to 162 now im 170....i dont get it...


  • Mommyof3818
    Mommyof3818 Posts: 3 Member
    My weight is usually fluctuates too. Personally for me, I think it's stress and maybe hormonal. When I focus less on the numbers on the scale, I tend to loose weight easier
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    My guess is that you are female. Unfortunately, we can use the scale like men can. If I'm up a bit, I dont log it until its been there for a few weeks and I notice a gain in certain areas (I watch my flanks and arm pit flub). I treat a loss the same way. Its not uncommon to see a 10 pound swing in any given month.

    Carbs, exercise and hormones are likely cause for water weight gain. Or you could be like me and feel when that scale moves in my favour, I eat it back... I think on some level I think I can reward myself or just push it. Pay extra attention to your foods. I use a food scale and it has kept me honest.
  • dragyou
    dragyou Posts: 83 Member
    Take a look at the meals you ate when u saw a gain in weight.. Try to adjust that meal. I have learned to pay attention to my body.. If a particular meal brings the scale up, even if that meal hit the calories for the day or macrols, I will not repeat that meal. Or I will change the protein and see better results next time around. For example I saw 4oz of chicken breast work against me vs 4oz of white fish..
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    ldclepper wrote: »
    I am eating right and excercising but somehow in one week i went from 168 to 162 now im 170....i dont get it...

    Weight naturally fluctuates, even when you're doing everything right. Did you have any cheat days? High sodium days? High stress days? New exercise routine? Ovulating or nearing that TOM? Any of those could cause the scale to fluctuate more than usual.

    The other thing to look at would be to double check the accuracy of your logging. You're logging everything, right? Including cheat meals, veggies, cooking oils, etc? Are you estimating any of your portion sizes? Using a food scale? Being careful to choose the correct entries in the database?
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Few questions...when you weighed yourself:

    Did you use the same scale?
    Did you wear the same or similar clothes?
    Was it at the same time of day as the other times?
    Had you gone to the bathroom one time and not the other?

    Granted not going to the bathroom probably wouldn't account for an 8lb change. BUT if you were wearing jeans and or other heavier clothing the first time at the end of the day, t-shirt and shorts (or your underwear) the next time early in the morning before a meal & after going to the bathroom, then jeans & heavier clothing the 3rd time late in the day after a meal...that could definitely account for it...

    Different scales can be off as well. I weighed almost 2lbs less on my home scale than I did on the scale at Weight Watchers meeting. Time of day makes a big difference. If you weigh yourself in the morning first then then again at night (unless you fasted that is) it's amazing how different the numbers are...
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    For the whole 9 months of weight loss, my graph looked more like a mountain range than a ski slope. These ups and downs are normal. If you are still up in a month then it is time to review your strategies. One week is only a tiny fraction of your journey. Stressing about it will just make it worse.
  • ldclepper wrote: »
    I am eating right and excercising but somehow in one week i went from 168 to 162 now im 170....i dont get it...

    Weight tends to do that, but wizzybeth is right, you need to try and pick a time each day (after you get up each day for example, I get up at 6am each morning.) And weigh yourself at the same time after your morning routine.

    Take a shower
    Brush your teeth
    Use the restroom

    Weigh yourself before you ever put on any clothes, that way you know its not the scale accounting for any extra weight that's not on you.

    Stress and hormones can screw up weight loss fast by discouraging people with gains instead of losses. Water weight, bloating and unexpected calories (cooking oils, add ins like butter) can cause it as well. I started at 198.7 and have went down to 188.1 in just a few weeks but for a solid week I jumped back up to 190.4 and it worried me.

    I figured out what was wrong with me and fixed it, (I'll spare you the details) and my weight dropped right back off.

    It also helps when you have someone to coach you or give you advice or suggestions. I have my fiancé, he helps by checking up on my calories and suggesting foods that fit my budget for dinner or a snack and making sure I don't go over.

    Just give it time, pay attention to your next weigh in on:

    what clothes you wear
    Have you used the restroom yet
    What time it is
    Did you sleep well
    Are you stressed

    And keep at it, if you find yourself stressed, skip the weigh in, it can frustrate you more. Instead take a bubble bath, go for a walk, or do some yoga. Loosing weight isn't only about shedding pounds, its about caring for yourself :smile:
  • mmccouch
    mmccouch Posts: 5 Member
    With every diet I've ever tried I've been on that roller-coaster. After receiving some VERY scary news from my doctor I've gotten really, really serious with weight loss and have found the very best way to not fall victim to the ups and downs of losing weight is to only weigh myself once a month. We women are prone to more fluctuation in weight than men, and to avoid the psychological pitfall of becoming depressed over a "good week" resulting in gain I've made this promise to myself. It really works!
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    ldclepper wrote: »
    I am eating right and excercising but somehow in one week i went from 168 to 162 now im 170....i dont get it...

    I know the feeling. However, sadly there is a lot more to our bodies and weight loss than just eating and exercising (unfair I know). What I recommend is to open your diary so we could see what you are eating and maybe give helpful suggestions as to what may be hurting you (like sodium) and what are different alternatives. Remember, even if this week you don't lost weight, you will. Stick with it.
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    From your post, I am guessing you have not been at this very long. If the 6# weight loss was your first week - a lot of that was water weight. By the second week, you were likely retaining water - muscles are starting to repair (takes water to do), bowels likely a little full due to decrease in fiber that often goes along with eating less, and possibly some hormonal changes as well. Do not get discouraged - if you are doing the right things it will come off again. Your lightest weight each month is likely going to be an early morning, naked weigh soon after your cycle started. Do weigh yourself more frequently that once a month - but track those weights and compare them to see if you are starting to see a downward trend.
  • Don't get discouraged!!!! If you are doing everything right you shouldn't worry! I didn't weigh myself to start, I think last time I actually weighted myself was back in october. And this is due to the anxiety and discouragement I got from the scale. I didn't understand that like @iwishiwasarunner said, my body loss so much water (and muscle) because the starvation diet I was following. After a while this was not sustainable anymore. And I gained all back, maybe more! Slowly and steady wins the race. Ask yourself: how long did it take me to gain all this weigh? Be kind to your body and understand that it would probably take you longer to lose and maintain. But it will be worth it! So keep up the good work, don't get stuck in the numbers your scale gives you. If you are eating right, exercising, hydrating well, results will come. Good luck! :)
  • ldclepper wrote: »
    I am eating right and excercising but somehow in one week i went from 168 to 162 now im 170....i dont get it...
    80% of our weight loss is from what we eat. I know you may be thinking that you are eating correct, but you could be starving yourself. Your body is like a wood stove that needs to constantly be fueled. This fuel is what you eat. Your body needs foods that it can use and if you aren't eating in the morning, and then you skip lunch or you eat a really late lunch and then 3-4 hours later you eat dinner, your body thinks you are starving it and it will hold food for reserves. I suggest that you talk with a nutritionist. If you have a local ymca or gym that you are attending regularly ask if there is a nutritionist. Usually it's a minimal cost and it's very educational. Eat meals and snacks within 3 hours of each other and watch your portions. Eat vegetables and fruits when you want sugar, eat lean proteins like albacore tuna and chicken breast. Don't starve yourself and get into a weigh bearing class and do cardio. Building muscle isn't going to make you "bulky" it's going to help rev up your metabolism so you are burning fat. The food we eat either gives our body what it needs to succeed or doesn't. Good luck and kudos to you for starting your new lifestyle.
  • hey this time last year I had the same problem I was eating properly, I was going gym and I wasn't losing any weight but the best advice is keep at it I kept at it for 4 months and didn't see any result but soon after the kilos just kept dropping off every week. And I lost 13kilos. Unfortunately I recently gained 3 kilos but I am going to get back in to it! Make sure you have spoken to someone about your diet so they can give u advice! It's not only about the calories but the type of foods you eat too
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    What kind of scale are you using? If you have any weights at home, put it on the scale and see what happens. If you have a digital one it could be the batteries need changing.

    If none of that fits then it all depends on your diet. If you have taken in a lot of sodium, its probably your body retaining water.