DVD Comparisons

pjrisher Posts: 152
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey all,
Since joining MFP I've seen a lot of people talking about different workout dvd programs and I'm really interested in trying one. I've been checking out Insanity a lot but I was hoping for some peoples opinions! Thank you!


  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels. I havent done a whole lot of other ones though. I am doig kettlebells right now a couple times a week.
  • beefluv86
    beefluv86 Posts: 86 Member
    I have only tried Turbo Jam and 30 day shred, and I like both. I have yet to complete either program because i like to mix those in with gym workouts to keep from getting bored.
  • aladd2
    aladd2 Posts: 70
    I'm an Insanity graduate and I can tell you it's super intense but it's very worth it! You will have so much energy after doing those workouts. Many people say it's not for beginners but I was sort of a beginner when I tried it and I completed the program but I just had to modify a few things. I lost 15 pounds with it! TurboFire is also good, it's what I'm doing now. It's very similar to Insanity as far as intensity goes, but it's more of a dancy kickboxing workout. These are the two that I'd recommend the most :)
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    My fav are Leslie Sansone walk at home videos! They build endurance and its a good workout. A lot of people on here are doing the 30 day shred and seem to have good results on it.
  • jillboyd81
    jillboyd81 Posts: 1
    I have done P90X twice and am currently in week 5 of Insanity. I would recommend either. Some people do a hybrid and do both at the same time. They're both great, I've gotten great results.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I LOVE Turbo Fire! If you like cardio kickboxing, this is the workout for you! If you don't want to start too high intensity, you could start with Turbo Jam. I've also done ChaLean Extreme by the same woman...Chalene Johnson. CLX is more like P90X in that it focuses more on weight training. TF is similar to Insanity in that it focuses on HIIT training.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Everyone usually suggest 30 day shred but I haven't been able to get through it. Not because its necessarily difficult ( it is really hard) but because I find it so repetitive and boring. And Jillian Michaels is aggravating.

    Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire are amazing. I've lost a lot of inches and toned with Tae Bo. The instructors aren't annoying. If you need someone simple, Leslie Sanson's walk at home videos are amazing.

    The Biggest Loser DVD's are really good if you want someone really hard but at a slower pace.
  • insane88
    insane88 Posts: 2
    Insanity is Awesome... i have 2 more weeks to complete it and i have lost 15lbs... it is hard but pace youself and stay with it.. dont give up.
  • pjrisher
    pjrisher Posts: 152
    Thank you everybody! I think I'm going to go with Insanity! Please keep the ideas/results coming though! They're all really helpful.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Jillian Michaels:

    30 day shred is good for a quick workout but if you are already a hardcore exerciser, it won't be challenging enough. I use it on what should be my "rest" days when I don't want to do my usual intense 2-3 hours but need some form of exercise. She is repetitive but thats her thing- she is doing circuit training

    Blast Fat/boost Metabolism i find a little more intense - its lengthier and more cardio

    Bob Harper:

    Cardio Rev/Butt & Balance are excellent. Cardio is a hard workout, very leg intensive. The only thing i sort of dislike is that he has you swinging weights (not kettlebells) and i'm always worried i am going to put it through the TV. I like the balance one which is 20 minutes and i have terrible balance so i use it to practice/improve.

    Super strength- well opened it up to try it and even though the actual DVD shows Bob and the name of his program, but when i played it, turned out to be a copy of the A-Team movie, lol. Waiting for a response from his website on that.

    Leslie Sanson:

    5 mile fat burner- love this also on a "rest" day when i want some exercise but don't want the hardcore, in your face, sweat your *kitten* off kind. I still feel it just doesn't exhaust me.

    I want to get Turbo Fire but its an investment and i want to get a HRM first.
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