mbowman323 challnage Week 3 weigh in

mbowman323 Posts: 216
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Hey all :) Congrats on the previous weight loss and inches lost. How did everyone do this past week?? How was everyone's Mother Day?? How did you guy's do on the mini challange?? ( no soda)

So you all know what to do..
Your number ( if you forgot look on last weeks thread)
Current Weight was ___
I lost ___lbs
picture of scale
I only have ____ lbs to go!!
I did____on this mini challange.

This weeks new mini challange will be add 10 more min to your cardio workouts.


  • dlrandolph
    dlrandolph Posts: 30
    Will add tomorrow night but needed to comment here so I can find it easily. Thx!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Your number : 40
    Your lhurtubise
    Current Weight was 216.7
    I lost 2 lbs
    I only have 16.7 lbs to go!!
    I did EXCELLENT on this mini challange. Very proud of myself considering soda is my nemesis!

  • Jillian2128
    Jillian2128 Posts: 71 Member
    Your number 25
    Your MFP SN Jillian2128
    Current Weight was 171.7
    I GAINED 2.4 lbs...oops
    I only have 19.3 lbs to go!!
    I did terrrible on this mini challange...i love diet pepsi....
  • kellylou1367
    kellylou1367 Posts: 91 Member
    I haven't bothered uploading my picture because I have put 3lbs on. I've started doing a lot of strength training so i think that might be why. I'm now going to start measuring myself weekly aswell as keeping check on my weight.

    Your MFP SN Kellylou1367
    Current Weight 150lbs
    Waist 82.5cms
    Arms 28.5cms
    Thighs 60cms

    I only have 20lbs to go
    I done fabulous on the mini challenge as I don't drink fizzy drinks so I put my challenge as not drinking fresh orange juice and I completed that great!
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    Number : 80
    Starting weight: 287
    Previous Weight: 285
    Current Weight: 283
    Week Loss: 2
    Total Loss: 4
    I only have 16 more pounds to go!!
    This weeks challenge I had 2 diet sodas...so I did poorly


    why is it that no matter how small my picture is on photobucket its always huge and cut off on here????
  • travishein
    travishein Posts: 78
    Number 76
    MFP SN: travishein
    Current Weight was 241.2
    I lost 2.8 lbs
    I only have 16.2 lbs to go!!
    I did most excellent on this mini challange.

    For this weeks challenge, 10 more minutes of cardio. Challenge accepted!
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    Hi all! So for whatever reason this week was tough. I was just hungry and had a hard time keeping control. Mini challenge was easy because started I cutting soda/pop out 5 months ago and it was a rare treat when I had some. Then I gave it up for Lent so I haven't had any yet.

    Hope all the mom's had a great mother's day!

    Number 38
    Your MFP SN - lfrueh

    Starting Weight - 162.6
    Current Weight - 161.2
    I lost 1.4 lbs!

    picture of scale - can't post until tomorrow when I get my phone back

    I only have 18.6 lbs to go!! (personal goal = 23.6)
    I did GREAT on this mini challange!

    Will have to break up my workout or add a second small workout for this weeks challenge. Only get 60 minutes for lunch so can't add 10 more to it!! LOL!!
  • jmarshman
    jmarshman Posts: 19 Member
    Current Weight was 231
    I lost 2 more lbs for a total of 7
    I only have 13 lbs to go on this 20lb challenge and 32 total!!
    I did not really take on this mini challenge. I drink only diet soda.

  • 57gemini
    57gemini Posts: 18 Member
    Your number: 2
    Your MFP SN: 57gemini
    Current Weight is: 148
    I freaking gained! 3 lbs
    picture of scale: sorry Monday mornings, got to get ready for work. No time for pics.
    I only have ____ lbs to go!!
    I did____on this mini challange
  • mak112388
    mak112388 Posts: 50
    Your number: 44
    Your MFP SN: mak112388
    Current Weight was: 166.8
    I lost 0 lbs
    I only have 18.8 lbs to go!!
    I did really bad on this mini challenge bc I really love Diet Coke.
  • Raven5287
    Raven5287 Posts: 31
    61 Raven5287

    Previous weight- 137

    This weeks weight- 135

    I totally did the challenge (never drink soda... YUCK!)

    I have 5 more lbs to go!

    Looking forward to this weeks challenge! Im going to try a total of 20 min a day on the bike....

  • Sign In: #67
    MFP SN: sofabolousx3
    Previous weight: 127.6 lbs


    Weight loss: -3.2 lbs
    Total loss: -6.4 lbs
    I only have 13.6 more pounds to lose to meet this goal!!
    I did great on the mini challenge last week. i usually do a lot of cardio so i think this week's challenge will be a breeze.

  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Your number 47
    Your MFP SN mommamills
    Current Weight was __151_
    I gained _1__lbs
    picture of scale
    I only have __19__ lbs to go!!
    I did_great___on this mini challange....I've only been drinking milk and water for a while so this was no biggie for me. :)
  • OliveLucas
    OliveLucas Posts: 84
    Current Weight 142.4 lbs
    I lost 0.2 lbs :embarassed:
    I only have 19.8 lbs to go!!
    I did very well on this mini challange! I only drink water, herbal tea and a glass of grapefruit juice with breakfast.
  • swarla
    swarla Posts: 105 Member
    72 Swarla
    Current Weight: 146.6
    I lost .2 lbs


    I only have 16.6 lbs to go!!
    I did terribly on the challenege. I love my diet coke and I caved within 2 days. I did cut though, but I can't completely give it up.
    I am excited about this week's challenge!
  • rozamu
    rozamu Posts: 45 Member
    # 64
    current weight 152.4
    I lost 1.4 lbs
    I only have 16.4 lbs to go
    I did great on this week's mini challenge
  • rozamu
    rozamu Posts: 45 Member
    Grrrrr why is my picture not showing up??? Can somebody pls tell me how to do it all over again :&
  • rozamu
    rozamu Posts: 45 Member
    And I lost 2.4 lbs not 1.4 I think I need a nap
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    # 8
    current weight 175.2
    I lost 3.4 lbs - spokily enough, exactly the same loss as last week!
    I only have 13.2 lbs to go
    I did great on this week's mini challenge
  • #13
    Current Weight is 211.8
    I lost 0lbs.. I actually gained 4 this week. =/

    ....ummm I'm to embarrassed to add the pic this week.

    I only have 19.7 lbs to go!!
    I didn't do so well on this mini challange.. Ugh.
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