Please add and help me through!

i am 22 years old. Been overweight my whole life and i'm ready to be healthy! I'm 5'4 and 265 lbs.
i don't think i can do this alone. If only i could afford a personal trainer for support and motivation! But I can't, so i'm asking for your help!
Please add me and come on this journey with me :) xoid4okly7yqxl.jpg


  • procolorer
    procolorer Posts: 326 Member
    Adding you :)
  • procolorer
    procolorer Posts: 326 Member
    Well, I'm trying. The app is being a pain in the butt!
  • EmilyDawn1111
    EmilyDawn1111 Posts: 42 Member
    procolorer wrote: »
    Well, I'm trying. The app is being a pain in the butt!

    I'm having the same issue! When i click on someones name it wont take me to the profile so i can't add ):
  • Thickivory
    Thickivory Posts: 36 Member
    You can add me if you like:) it won't let me on ur profile. I'm always looking for friends:)
  • feel free to add me
  • nissanmama
    nissanmama Posts: 26 Member
    *waves* I'm 48 and have crossed into the "over 200" zone. I never thought I would live here. I'm in my own way and I've run out of clothes that fit. I'm definitely an emotional eater and for the last two years, my life has been a mess. (Husband lost a job, our house hasn't sold so we have two mortgages, my mother diagnosed with breast cancer, and I'm not quite an empty nester with one child left at home. I'm worried about the other two who are in transition all the time. We've just moved to a snowy, rural area for a new job and I'm feeling very isolated.) Until two years ago, I could work off the calories. I'm 5'6" and a lifetime athlete. I'm a Level 3 Certified Indoor Cycling instructor and despite my resume, no one will hire me as I don't fit the image gyms are trying to project. I have to get my poop in a group here and I can't do it alone. Since I'm not finding the support I need in my community, hopefully I can find it here. I need to stop stuffing my face, swallow my pride and be a member of a gym rather than an instructor, and lose 75 pounds. Any takers?