Does anyone have under active thyroid ?



  • jules92761
    jules92761 Posts: 55 Member
    Yep. My GP won't prescribe anything for it because I'm just barely sub-clinical.

    NoelFigar1 - I would recommend seeing an endocrinologist if possible. My GP kept saying my results were normal after I was on meds for a year and my symptoms started to return. I knew from my symptoms that my meds needed adjusting. Sure enough - the endocrinologist said the results were NOT normal - they were so low he doubled my dose on the spot. Endocrinologists specialize in thyroid and have different standards than the GPs. It has made a world of difference in my treatment.
  • Hi ....I have had Hashimotos since 1988...lost and gained weight around 40-50 lbs a couple of times in the last 6 years. I need to stay on a very low carb, low calorie diet to loss weight. Here we go again. I have a 50 pound weight loss goal. It's so darn easy to gain but so hard to loss. Any ideas on the best way to loss with hypothyroid other than starvation? Would love some suggestions and support
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
  • Jayceca
    Jayceca Posts: 16 Member
    My husband has under active thyroid and was put on synthroid and his weight came right down without any problem. He has no problem keeping it that way. Wish I could say the same. I don't have thyroid problem, but am having a hard time losing. Go figure.
  • Silinde
    Silinde Posts: 44 Member
    @firstdaughter: do a lot of sports. And then I mean a LOT. The more muscle mass you'll gain, the more energy you'll burn even when resting. If you're overweight, they say you should do at least an hour a day instead of the half an hour for normal weight persons.
    There's a lot of movement stuff that you can do during work time, e.g. take the stairs instead of the elevator (ok, won't burn a lot for one time, but every calorie counts). You can even go up a floor more than you need to and then descend. If your building has only elevators at work (they exist), you can go to the toilet / water dispenser / ... more often.
    Go see your users instead of calling them on the phone, if possible.
    Stuff like that adds in a few extra paces a day and requires virtually no time (it'll keep your brain more fit if you regularily get up, so for your boss it's a win-win too).
  • xnewbeginningsx
    xnewbeginningsx Posts: 8 Member
    I too am taking Synthyroid. Having a tough time losing weight. Please add me! Would love some support! Thanks
  • I have an under active thyroid as well. I have hashemoto (?) thyroidiths (?) my immune system is attacking my thyroid so it's dying. I used to loose weight fast but not it seems like it is difficult taking the pounds off. Please add me I love to have so support