newbie cycling to lose

My name is Rachel and I have recently started using this site, in an attempt to track and lose excess weight. I am not considered overweight at my 157lbs at 5'7" height, however when I took a more sedentary job, the 30 lbs I gained, had no problem building up.
So, recent life events have forced me to begin bicycling to and from work almost 10 miles both ways (19.7 miles round trip) and I am hoping that this will help shed the pounds away with the assistance of a healthier diet. Only time will tell......


  • wolfruhn
    wolfruhn Posts: 3,025 Member
    Good luck Rachel :) I started cycling to work 4 years ago and I found it very hard to begin with. But it definitely kick started me into becoming more 'sporty'. Since then I also did some running. I'm not doing either of those at the moment, and re-starting both cycling and running are two of my main goals for this year.
  • Thank you. It may not be out of choice, since my van died several weeks ago, but I can honestly say that cycling was something I did out of joy and pleasure. Now it is out of need and joy. I have to get up and go to work every morning, however, I am a healthier person because I am riding. I have decided that when we get another vehicle, I will continue riding to and from work as long as the Heat is low enough. Since I live in Arizona, the summers are too hot to ride during the day, riding will remain limited to the weather.

    It can often be difficult to get started on a path to healthier living, this I have learned myself. But once you get into the groove of it, the path is smoother and clear.