Help! Going on a "foodie" vacation

Headed to New Orleans for 5 days next week. While I am very excited and I know we will be doing a lot of walking around etc, I know we will be doing a lot of eating! We have many dinner and brunch reservations.

How do you guys deal with this? I definitely want to enjoy what the city has to offer but I don't want to gain 10 lbs in the process!


  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Headed to New Orleans for 5 days next week. While I am very excited and I know we will be doing a lot of walking around etc, I know we will be doing a lot of eating! We have many dinner and brunch reservations.

    How do you guys deal with this? I definitely want to enjoy what the city has to offer but I don't want to gain 10 lbs in the process!

    I would go, have what I want but not use it as a reason to over indulge for the sake of over indulging, and then go back to normal dieting thereafter.

    5 days over the long term isn't much.

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Enjoy a bit of everything! Don't waste calories on anything you'd normally eat, splurge on the really special things in small amounts and fill up on veggies :) And most of all, ENJOY yourself! ;) Vacations are special :)
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    edited February 2015
    There are a lot of things you could do - a few that come to mind:

    Leave half the food on your plate

    Share the more calorie-dense portions and deserts with a companion

    Research food options before hand so you know which ones are healthier/lower calorie

    Limit alcohol

    Have only one reservation per day (i.e. dinner) and make the other meal i.e. lunch a light picnic in the park with food bought fresh from a local supermarket/market

    Skip the hotel breakfast if it's included or pre-plan it to make your daily calorie intake lighter

    Eat half the food, have the rest wrapped and not take it home but give it to someone in need along the way...

    Or just enjoy it while it lasts sans guilt and get right back to your routine the day you return :)

    Enjoy your holiday!


    ETA: I have may be 20 trips to different countries behind me and can remember at least a couple of memorable meals from each one, and I notice in retrospect I never came back much heavier. Foodie food is to cherish, so usually you are quite conscious what you eat... It was bad habits at home that got me 90+ lb overweight, not the black rice and squid in Barcelona or the Saltimboca in Rome but the nasty miserable chips and cookies and general laziness and unawareness at home... Really, enjoy your holiday, it will probably be what you do after that will really make a difference!
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Id just enjoy my holiday and get back to it when I got home. Try not to eat yourself sick, and enjoy things.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    You could practice eating slowly and intuitive eating (listening to your hunger/satiety signals).

    Please keep in mind if you eat out a lot you'll be getting a lot of sodium which can cause water retention, so you can expect a jump in the scale, but it should come back down once you are back to normal.

    Remember, to gain a pound of fat you need to overeat by 3500 Calories, so to gain 10 pounds you would need to eat an excess 7000 Calories each day of your trip.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Go and Have fun. Enjoy yourself, but just don't go Buck wild crazy eating. Order foods that you love, and just keep portions on your mind. vacations are supposed to be fun, so enjoy yourself
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    My daughter goes to school in New Orleans, undergrad and now med school. The food there is, in my opinion, the best there is. When I go visit (which is pretty often) I eat anything I want then just get back on track the day I come home. The food is too good to miss out on! Have a great time! It's an amazing city!!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Go and have fun. Try to make conscientious decisions when possible.
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Do the tasting menu.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    While in New Orleans, you've got a great excuse to eat lots of seafood! Shrimp and oyster it up! Lean Protein, oh yeah!
  • ksmi141
    ksmi141 Posts: 72 Member
    I agree with everything above. Besides! One of the best things about New Orleans is the food! I lived there for two years, gained 15 pounds, regret nothing.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I always decided on where to splurge on calories, appetizer, dinner or dessert. And save money and calories by limiting your alcohol.

    Pack fitness clothes and workout in the morning. Do light breakfast.
  • dcglobalgirl
    dcglobalgirl Posts: 207 Member
    I would totally up your exercise as much as possible. You might be able to get some really long runs in to counteract the higher calorie intake.
  • Refrigerator1
    Refrigerator1 Posts: 25 Member
    OMG Cafe Dumonde. Beignets and chickory coffee!!! Ya gotta go!!
    Okay, now that I have wiped the drool off my chin, I second the advise on only splurging for the food you really love. Keep a check on your stomach and stop eating when your are satisfied. Walk as much as possible or use the hotel gym. Most importantly, enjoy yourself!!!
  • katherine_startrek_fan
    I think the key is trying to limit excess drinks and sweets.

    Also, lots of walking will help to burn those extra calories, especially if you normally work a desk job. For example, I'm going to a theme park for vacation in a few months' time. While there, I anticipate walking upwards of ten hours per day, which would be a burn of over 1,800 calories per day for me. Even eating at my typical maintenance calories, I would not be gaining weight during my vacation.

    However, if you're after an extra burn, why not bring a bathing suit and go for a swim at your hotel? It's not only easy on the joints and a great way to burn extra calories, but can also feel refreshing after a long day.
  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    I love New Orleans!! My advice would be to go, enjoy yourself, eat all the things, and then get back to a normal routine when you get home. You will likely surprise yourself at how much walking you do in a day. When I was there I easily walked an average of 20-30 km each day without even realizing it or going out of my way to do so. Even with eating (and let's face it, drinking) everything in sight for 10 days straight I came home 3 lbs lighter!

    Have the beignets & coffee at Cafe Du Monde, have the fried chicken and catfish from Mother's, eat the buffalo-style alligator with mac & cheese at Cochon, enjoy the phenomenal ice cream at the Creole Creamery and grilled oysters at Casamentos, drink hurricanes and mint juleps all day long. New Orleans is an amazing city, relaxed, laid-back and super friendly! Don't spend your time counting kcal/carbs/protein, spend it soaking up all that the city has to offer.
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    Keep logging your calorie intake, even if it is just a "worst case estimate" to keep you aware of what you are eating. Even better, try to pre-log into those calories before your eat them so that you are somewhat informed - that might help you from overeating and being regretful later, which is not fun. I find that logging in those calories makes it so much easier for me to pass the bread and butter or choose something a little more weight-friendly without sacrificing a lovely meal.

    Agreed: Try and get in as many veg as possible. I have not done this (yet), but I have often thought about asking for a couple of cups of raw spinach as a side dish as restaurants. At home, I plunk my main course on a bed of spinach or other green veg as often as possible, to increase fibre and (hopefully) help me eat less.

    Agreed: Try to get in as much exercise as possible to help compensate for the treats and give you that virtuous feeling :)

    Conclusion: Like the others have posted, enjoy without fretting but not overdo it. One week will not add a pile of pounds, but I honestly understand that if you have been REALLY TRYING, you don't want to backtrack. Think "maintenance".
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    I disagree with almost everybody above.

    You are going on vacation. This is (for most of us) a once per year, or once every few years, kind of thing. I would forget about tasting menus, adding exercise, logging etc. For me personally I would quick add 3000 calories all 5 days, eat whatever I want, and get back to logging when I get home. How often do you go to NOLA? On your death bed (hopefully many, many years in the future) do you want to look back through family photos of your vacation and remember enjoying po'boys with your family, or do you want to look back at your family having fun and you being jealous and unhappy?

    Remember, this is a lifestyle change. A healthy lifestyle INCLUDES indulging on vacation!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    I disagree with almost everybody above.

    You are going on vacation. This is (for most of us) a once per year, or once every few years, kind of thing. I would forget about tasting menus, adding exercise, logging etc. For me personally I would quick add 3000 calories all 5 days, eat whatever I want, and get back to logging when I get home. How often do you go to NOLA? On your death bed (hopefully many, many years in the future) do you want to look back through family photos of your vacation and remember enjoying po'boys with your family, or do you want to look back at your family having fun and you being jealous and unhappy?

    Remember, this is a lifestyle change. A healthy lifestyle INCLUDES indulging on vacation!

    This would be me too!
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    Remember, this is a lifestyle change. A healthy lifestyle INCLUDES indulging on vacation!


    I went on vacation to Mexico for two weeks in December. I loosely logged (wild guesstimates only) and ate whatever I felt like, within reason. I was very active compared to my usual desk-job slothness at home. I enjoyed the food, the drinks, the tequila, and lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks.

    Live a little.