Looking for more friends!

I am looking to lose 40 pounds by the summer and would love to have more friends to help motivate me! Of course I would love to help motivate you too :)


  • I want to lose at least 60 and need a buddy I am post stroke and can't exersice a lot.
  • lee658
    lee658 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi 47 year old male looking to lose 15-20. While that is my goal, I'm more motivated to feel better physically get fitter. I've been very active most of my life but a knee injury playing soccer 5 years ago. I've slowed considerably since. I like this app mainly as a reminder of what is good fuel for my body. I fully support your target goal of 40 lbs :-)
  • jtced
    jtced Posts: 20 Member
    I need to drop about 40-50 pounds myself. I started in January and have stuck with it for 32 days, I plan on finishing! You are welcome to add me! I need more friends to keep me inline.
  • KatyLose72
    KatyLose72 Posts: 3 Member
    I've got 60 to go! Let's be friends!
  • i have 45!
  • eshanimongia5
    eshanimongia5 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey! I have 50 pounds that I am gonna be losing! Feel free to add me :)
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    <--- you may add this oaf, he's sorta just ok :) Anyone may friend me, I am pretty active in a nice way when I can be active, I always try to be encouraging :)
  • kalm3
    kalm3 Posts: 67 Member
    My goal is to lose 50 by summer. :# (Not doing so well though) I'm also looking for friends and support here. Add me. Also, can someone tell me how to actually add ppl. I can't seem to do it. Thanks in advance.
  • topramen79
    topramen79 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm trying to lose 20 pounds, feel free to add me!
  • thepinkshoe
    thepinkshoe Posts: 26 Member
    Everyone here is welcome to add me! I have lost 2.7kgs so far and am aiming to lose another 12kgs by August :smile:
  • DiChic74
    DiChic74 Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I am looking to lose 20 pounds overall. I have been using MFP for a month to track calories and haven't weighed myself, just trying to get into good habits. Next step for me is to squeeze time for exercise into my crazy busy day! Good luck and let's help motivate each other!!
  • elizabethpro
    elizabethpro Posts: 11 Member
    I am looking for friends too to help motivate and to help motivate me. Feel free to add me! :)
  • nclrn86
    nclrn86 Posts: 3 Member
    I neec to lose 30-35 more. I could def use the extra enencouragement. Yall can feel free to add me if you want!
  • AliluniqueLaura
    AliluniqueLaura Posts: 43 Member
    I have four MFP friends. I had a few more but I couldn't keep up with comments for everyone. A few good friends, who have the time to check your diary, encourage you on exercise and visa versa is the way to go for me. First name bases and true "caring".
  • fitzymic
    fitzymic Posts: 43 Member
    Feel free to add me I,m in week 3 and needing to lose about 40llbs.