Gained some back and worried where this is going :(



  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    You said you "probably" ate over 3000 calories. I don't know if you've been tracking on maintenance in general, but it might be especially helpful to go back to tracking everything right now.
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    Here's a mishmash of advice that's worked for me....

    Acknowledge and accept that relapse is normal, and be mindful enough to identify those moments of weakness (seems like you've done this since you're posting now). Once you've identified the issue, minimize the damage. You're understandably discouraged by the recent binging, but that does not mean that you have to continue binging and making it even worse. Think about all of the effort that it took to lose the weight in the first place, and try reminding yourself how much easier it is to cut the damage off now rather than rack up an even bigger calorie overrun to work off again.

    Also try getting active and having a good work out to clear your head and refocus yourself.

    This game is all mental. Every moment and every day is an opportunity to work on being the person you want to be. You have to ask yourself, "What am I going to do about it now?"
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I have to tell myself ENOUGH NOW. I would overeat all the time if I wasn't aware and make myself quit. I say you have had enough and quit being a glutten. (It is weird, we have enough and we just want to keep on)
  • NicNiska
    NicNiska Posts: 1 Member
    Belated Happy Birthday! And, congrats on the work you've done already!

    First of all, bad idea to weigh yourself after eating all of that. You are going to retain a LOT of water, from all the sodium and sugar, which can definitely throw your numbers out, if you're going by straight scale number, as opposed to having a body composition done, to determine whether any of that is muscle, as opposed to fat.

    If you were my client, I would recommend you look at what has changed between last month and this month. Did you take some liberties with your diet, due to Christmas and New Years and your birthday? Are you ready to leave that behind you and move forward? If yes, you know what you must do. If not, consider this:

    Pick one thing about your diet you would like to change, and change it. Whether that's increasing your water, increasing your time working out, or eating one more serving of veggies. Pick ONE thing, and do it for 21 days.

    You can do this! Look how far you've come thus far! :)
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I lost the same amount of weight, I'm the same height, also 116-119 lbs.

    If i binge, I immediately log it, forgive myself, and move on. I also take days off as higher intake days, on my birthday, Christmas, Easter, and 4th of July. I want to eat lots of pies/cakes on those days, and I do.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    tomorrow is a new day, start again :) relax
  • wallclimber888
    Girl, it's all about the calories, and everyone slips and has bad days. Two bad days won't cause you to be back where you were before. Just start again tomorrow and try to keep those 'bad' things out if reach. Watch your calories, go for a walk/ will make you feel better about yourself!

    I was cracking up btw when I read your comment that 'at least the cake is gone now' LMAO! I've totally thought that before!

    Good luck to you. You can do it! You ARE doing it!

  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    Right there with you. I let the fear fuel my determination, because I know darn well where regular slip ups lead me, and scarily fast, too. I sometimes log a bad day into MFP, click, and read exactly what I'd weigh in five weeks if I keep it up. That's a cold bucket of reality right there!
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    You say it's your birthday!
    It's my birthday too, yeah!

    You know what it takes to lose already. The cake is dead. Long live the cake.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I feel your pain. After working so hard, and doing so well ever since September of 2013, I have been overeating again for some reason. And it's even scarier since I broke my toe and can't do my usual exercise.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I kinda let go a bit over the Holidays and then again on a business trip last week. I'm learning that when it's one of those few times I can't log, I mentally work on looking forward to logging again. That way when I do get home or stop with the binging, I'm actually relieved to get back to logging, even if the excess intake doesn't stop immediately. I personally find the structure of logging and, in particular, pre-logging and planning my meals, takes away that slightly panicked feeling that I'm going to pile on the pounds again which you seem to be experiencing. It works for me. And I've figured it just takes practice to cope with these moments where we do eat more than our body needs.

    Oh, and you're human. Enjoying the moment, whether it's your birthday and you choose to enjoy it with food, is perfectly normal IMO. You shouldn't feel guilty. Guilt doesn't help. It's a worthless emotion. The cake was lovely and you ate it. You'll probably do it again next year, but you'll have had a whole year of practicing what to do.
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Glad you enjoyed your birthday. Now do what you know how to do and you will be where you need to be. Congrats for losing so much and keeping it off. You can do this!
  • tomjmul
    tomjmul Posts: 8 Member
    I think it is a bad idea to judge your weight on the actual number your scales is showing. The variances due to water, poo, pee etc. just make a snapshot-in-time weight quite meaningless. Your weight trend is a much more reliable figure to work with and I would recommend signing up for something like Trendweight to keep an eye on that. It works for me. If you were to over-indulge one day, then make up for it over the next week, you wouldn't see any difference to your weight trend and it might prevent you needlessly freaking out.