Hello :)

Hi I am 31 I've used fitness pal off and on for a while now and I just found the community section. I started my diet 18 days ago and lost 16 pounds, but Thursday I fell off the wagon tell today I've started again. I'm looking for friends feel free to add me. Have a great day. - Becky


  • lakersfanin909
    lakersfanin909 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is adrian and ive lost and gained weight so much over the years i want to loose 60 lbs by october and keep it off. Im wondering if the times you did use fitness pal if it worked for you ?
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Hi! I'm a mom of 4 and am so far down 37 lbs. You can do it! Add me as a friend.
  • rebeccamarie27
    rebeccamarie27 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Adrian! I'm like you.. Yes my fitness app does help because it keeps track of all ur food so ur not using a paper or adding it, plus you can find food that you may not know the nutrients in it, so I'm pretty happy with it. I lost 40 pounds previously using it.
  • rebeccamarie27
    rebeccamarie27 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks Mamanewland hope ur having a great day. I sent a friend request.
  • karolynascimento
    Hello guys! I'm 33, my name is Ana Carolina, I'm Brazilian. My graduation party will be 28February, and I have to wear my beautiful dress, so, I need to lose 5kilos, I think 2,5 pounds. That's all!
  • rebeccamarie27
    rebeccamarie27 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ana you'll do great!
  • RckJesC
    RckJesC Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I'm Jessica, I'm 33 years old.
    I'm from Holland
    I want to lose 15 kilograms.
    And starting today :blush:
    Feel free to add me :D
  • LightingChick
    Hi there! I've used Weight Watchers and lost weight, gained some back, came to this site, lost some again and gained some back again. I deleted my previous account because I felt like I wasn't giving it what I needed. I'd like to try it again... anyone can add me!