New guy! Where the hell do I start?!

YourIrishFriend Posts: 6
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys, I have decided today I am SICK of my weight, my body and how I look (and more so FEEL), overall. Some background, I'm 23 years old, my name is Eoghan and I am Irish (probably guessed from the username!) male, about 6"1 and weigh around 250lbs. That's pretty damn bad. Even though I am a very naturally broad and stocky guy, I am still carrying I'd say at least 70 or so extra pounds that NEED to go. I'm sick of being "that unattractive fat person". I'm sick of being unhappy.

I have been getting really upset lately about how I look and feel, and decided that I want change. I can barely go up and down flights of stairs in college without getting out of breath, I never exercise and I'm really unhealthy and unhappy. I lack motivation and I am very lazy, and I want to change that. I tried losing weight before but I always stopped and gave up after a month or so when I saw 0 progress.

I'm a very busy person and was looking for tips on where to start, I don't have a clue what to eat, how much of it is the correct amount to eat, and what exercise to do/where to fit it in. I'm up at 6:30 every morning for class and finish there about 17:30 ish, I get home at around 19:00 pm. I noticed on my class timetable there are sometimes 1/2hr gaps that I usually spend lazing around or hanging with friends, when I could be availing of the college gym for an hours worth of workout at those times. I am very nervous and self conscious as I have never been to the gym in my life and would be nervous of other people and also if I wasn't physically able to use any of the machines for a long time since I am so unfit.

As I mentioned food etc is confusing me. If I want this I want to do it right, no half assed attempts and no doing it wrong and realising I've made mistakes and potentially wasted time. I am a perfectionist and really love knowing in my life what is what, I need organisation and stuff to be able to sleep at night (I'm crazy :) ), so a routine and plan is essential for me. How do I know what foods to eat? How much can I eat? When do I eat? What exercises do I do? :( I'm so lost. What if I calculate my daily calorie amounts then find out I was doing it wrong after a month and lose nothing? It all makes my head spin.

I have a very negative relationship with food, I pig out like crazy and eat junk food whenever I feel upset. I binge a lot and want to change this. I want to try and fit in as much workouts as I can a day. I want to change, I am sick of being fat, feeling ugly and feeling bloated all the time, I spend so much sitting on my *kitten* playing video games, I want to change this. I am ready to. I realised today motivation and discipline is not going to come and knock on my door and lift me to the gym.

The funny thing is that I always feel really good after physically exerting myself, I want to get addicted to working out and getting sweaty instead of binging on greasy food and video games. I look at before and after pictures and think "wow" and today I thought, that could be me, so I want to start my journey here and do what I know I can. Any and all replies are appreciated! And feel free to send me friend requests I plan on staying here for a long time :D Any advice or recommendations anyone could give a newbie, that you wish you knew when you started out?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I would say start here:

    and here:

    Start with setting up your profile here and logging your food. Get your calories in the right range first. Pick up any exercise routine that you want to start with, even just a 20 minute walk will help. Then you can start to see what you like/dislike and make changes from there.

    Don't overcomplicate this. Start anywhere.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I would say start here:

    and here:

    Start with setting up your profile here and logging your food. Get your calories in the right range first. Pick up any exercise routine that you want to start with, even just a 20 minute walk will help. Then you can start to see what you like/dislike and make changes from there.

    Don't overcomplicate this. Start anywhere.
  • YourIrishFriend
    Thanks for the helpful replies!!! I will definitely read through those :)
  • ClaireTonito
    ClaireTonito Posts: 31 Member
    The important thing is not to go overboard on information as it can make your head spin. I am what South Park folks would call an underpants gnome! Gathering up craploads of information and making my head melt. Thankfully this time round I've learnt to simplify the hell out of everything.

    Log everything you eat no matter what it is. My first few days here were crappy entries until I got into the swing of things. I know how much you may want instant results the same as most folks but when you realise that instant results are pointless as they never last, putting in the good habits and starting off slower means those habits will last longer and be more beneficial to you in the long run.

    Some examples:
    If you never drink water-try drinking a cup or 1 pint a day
    If you never eat vegetables-try something simple like adding a few pieces of broccoli to your dinner
    If you drink a lot of fizzy drinks-cut back a can(or bottle) a day

    As for exercise definitely don't over do it at the start you will cause yourself injury which will not only be painful but set you back emotionally as well. Plus over doing it at the start tires you out more and the willpower fades quickly which leads to lapses which lead to guilt which leads to throwing in the towel.

    It's a bumpy road and it won't be plain sailing but I've finally learnt/still learning to change my overall attitude to food and it makes things a lot easier.
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome to MFP and I am glad you have decided to begin a journey of being healthy. I used the word purposely used the word journey because this isn't a quick process. I have lost 110 lbs with 140 to go. Feel free to add me as a friend. I would say the above responses are all great advice. Another concept that i would like you to take a look at in Macros. Macros is the % of protein, carbs and fat we eat each day. To shred fat the goal would be 50% protien 30% carbs and 20% fat. That's not always easy to achieve so maybe start with 40/40/20. Let me know if I can help with anything else. Remember just relax and take the first step on your journey.
  • emilyyyt95
    emilyyyt95 Posts: 153 Member
    All of these responses are awesome! Definitely take what you can from all of them and just do what makes you feel comfortable! If you ever need any motivation or anything, feel free to add me! :)
  • I struggle a lot about my weight as well. As much as I seem confident but there are days I just break down and just feel like a pile of crap but I told myself to stop feeling sorry for myself and start doing something about it. Yesterday was my first day and it was hard but worth it and I have a long way to go and it would be nice to have people supporting and motivating me as well as doing so for others. Just start small and be dedicated..