50+ women

I feel like I am floundering in a puddle of hopelessness.
Sometimes I think it's my age, and hormone fluctuations that go with it, that will make it next to impossible to lose weight.
And then I think that's just my excuse. The more I think that, the more weight I will not only hang on to, but continue to gain.
I know it's harder to lose weight, the older you are, but that doesn't mean it's impossible, right? If I burn more than I consume, I should eventually see some weight loss.
It's not like whacky hormones can make fat stay on my body, right?
I'm not losing, so that means I'm eating more than I think I am.
I am trying to convince myself of this, instead of blaming age and hormones. I need to believe that this will work.
Anyone in the same boat as me, or if you have any helpful input, please chime in. I really don't want to think that it's really no use. If I give up, then I will just be a fat old lady, and I don't feel like an old lady at all. I don't need to feel or look younger. I am fine being 51 years old. I just want to feel good about myself -- comfortable with who I am. I don't feel that way now. I don't recognize myself anymore. And it's not the aging. It's not even the normal weight gain, or thickening of your body, that usually happens when people age. It's a bloated face and belly that don't even look like me anymore.


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Aw...you are so in the right place! So many wonderful ppl, you'll fit right in. Grab some like minded friends or join a 50+ group and let the magic begin. ;) Welcome to the site!
  • Whether or not it's normal to gain weight as we age, it is certainly typical. ...or else we would all look like super models.so what we hope to accomplish is not typical. It is difficult. That said it is possible and worth the effort. I was heavy for my entire life. At fifty years old I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The fear of heart disease motivated to do the unthinkable. ..Really Diet! I have maintained a 90 weight loss for 5 years. I just started using this app this week because I need to return to more vigilance because I put on a few pounds over the holidays
    .I'm liking this! It's relatively easy and I like the nutritional breakdown. Taking the guesswork out! I am interested in helping you or anyone out there Get their game on! ...because it is a game! And helping you win it helps me too! Let's be our own heros!
  • freelingfree
    freelingfree Posts: 50 Member
    Add me if u like and wow what a job u have done
  • cychogal
    cychogal Posts: 39 Member
    It is so encouraging to know that it can be done. That whacky hormones might make things difficult but not impossible.
    I also think that doing what needs to be done might help moderate hormones too. It just makes sense to me. Too much fat affects every aspect of your health.
    My first question is, what does it mean to 'really diet'? Cutting back on portions? Following a strict diet?
    Also, is there anyone who is successful who does not count calories? I truly hate doing this. And it seems like even when I do it like I should, I still don't have success. I realize I'm not being accurate enough. So if there is some other way to monitor yourself, I would be interested.
    I do simple exercises. Is it necessary to be more intense? I have some dvds that really challenge me, but my favorite 'go to' exercise, is simply walking, or using my elliptical. I also so some light resistance training.
    Well, this is probably too long for anyone to actually read, lol. But any input is appreciated.
    I really like the idea of thinking of this as a game. And I realize there are many ways to achieve our goals. But I also know that it's still a game of burning more than you consume.
  • fifilan
    fifilan Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 54 and last year I lost about 27 lbs and reshaped my body by doing youtube videos, so it can be done. The key is to make small changes and try not to get overwhelmed. Don't try to do too much at once, do what feels right to you. Feel free to add me if you want some support.
  • kmclamb13
    kmclamb13 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm 52 and had a total hysterectomy last year and I seemed to put weight on every month.Now I have quite blaming my surgery and am trying to exercise daily and log everything i eat.I'm not saying it is easy but this year i want to get to my goal and never go back to where i am again. I also need friends to help me with my journey.Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    edited February 2015
    I don't count cals anymore....things do change in your body, but that levels out eventually. Food choices, timing, sleep,stress all affects us even more.
    One thing for certain is I refuse to let age be an obstacle that I can't overcome. That thinking alone will cause you to fail.
  • lori_spanbauer
    lori_spanbauer Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so inspired to hear several of you 50+ ppl struggling and winning! I tell myself everyday that my goal is to eat healthy first and foremost. I do expect to see weight loss, but I'm fine if it's slow- more likely to keep it off that way. I saw on quote on Pinterest: "I'm further along than those who are doing nothing." Thanks all for inspiration!
  • hfcl
    hfcl Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me as a friend, too. I lost 20 lbs in 4 months last year and have tried to lose 20 more in the year since. Have to change something up!! That's life after 50. But I'm still trying! Don't lose sight of your goals.
  • kissmevodka
    kissmevodka Posts: 29 Member
    Can anyone tell me if there is a 50+ women's group to join here? (Can't see it with a quick search and fell in here).
    Cychogal just wrote my story! I need to get back on the wagon and get moving again! As much as numbers do count (*kitten*-o-meter goes crazy when I say it doesn't), I am wanting to aim more for fitness and flexibility. Being able to cross my legs and sit on the floor again without needing a crane to get back up would be great!
    Anyone in the same boat who would like some support, please feel free to add me. :)
  • I've always been overweight but I was determined to be the right weight for my 50th b/d. I went on Medifast and lost 70 pounds and was at goal weight for my 50th. Now, almost 5 years later I'm fat again. I only kept the 70 pounds off for a couple of years. I'm pretty discouraged. So tired of feeling ugly and like a blob. It felt so great to be at goal and I felt so good about myself. I want to be there again.
  • cychogal
    cychogal Posts: 39 Member
    I think my goals are very different from someone in their 20's. It's much more about health than appearance. Not that younger people aren't doing it for their health too, but I'm not interested in trying to attain a bikini bod. Lol. And I don't want to use my age and crazy hormones as an excuse. I can accept and acknowledge that they do affect me, but they don't control me.
    Anyone feel free to add me. But I am not tracking calories. At least not every day. I am more likely to post about struggles and triumphs. Not just numbers.
    I am going to take charge of the things I can control. And whatever happens, happens. I'm not going to stress if I don't lose a pound a week or whatever I'd like to lose.
    I'd like to get a little bit 'zen' with all this. That might not be quite the right word, but to just enjoy taking care of myself. Enjoy food and exercise rather than feel deprived or guilty if I don't work out hard enough, long enough or the right way.
    I know there are those who will tell me I'll never have success but I feel this is the right approach for me.
  • kat12652
    kat12652 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi need new friends
  • salamander114
    salamander114 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh, I join in the puddle of hopelessness, I'm afraid. I am so tired of hearing calories in calories out. I have tracked faithfully and still gained a pound this week. Make me crazy.
  • Clicked here because it says over 50! Just looking for Fit-Pals to share the journey. I'm 61 and enjoy the challenge of transitioning. So much to learn, it will be much more fun with friends. However, I'm not sure how to add friends.
  • sassle
    sassle Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also looking for a 50+ group... I'm 49.5 :wink: and need to lose a lot of weight 100 pound actually... I lost a lot of weight at 47 on paleo no counting no nothing... than I re-introduced sugar into my diet and well I'm back to where I started minus 7 pounds...

    I'm also looking for new friends here... thanks!
  • Dorism54
    Dorism54 Posts: 2
    I'm 60 this year; and although I don't need to lose a huge amount (20-35 lb would make me happy), I'm unable to do any impact exercise, walk a great deal or even much yoga due to an injury. That makes it really difficult. Then you get on the cycle of discouragement, eating, self-loathing. I really want to take it off this time -- for my health and well being.
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm 54 and lost 20 pounds last year and took 3 inches off my waist. You can do this.