
Hi my name is Malikha. I am 29yrs old. I recently began my weight loss journey. i actually enjoy working out. My problem is i like to eat unhealthy foods, so to make sure i dont eat the wrong things, i just dont eat.. I KNOW that this is worst than over eating or eating the wrong things. I welcome any suggestions to aid in my weight loss journey.


  • chris5432
    chris5432 Posts: 16 Member
    hi....you will love this site because the food tracking is so simple and it really keeps you on track. I too am guilty of not eating enough and as a result have had a stalled weight loss for a long long time. I just joined this site a few days ago and love it. Good luck to you, the support here is great
  • natural33
    natural33 Posts: 2 Member
    Maybe what you could do is take a look at the foods you are eating and see if there is any way you can incorporate something healthy into the meal. For example if you like hamburgers maybe instead of the french fries you can do a salad. Maybe instead of a soda do water and if you have to have some sort of taste to the water maybe add some flavoring. Hope this helps.
  • bzelady
    bzelady Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome malikha... start small by substituting unhealthy for healthy. small steps are the key. some people can go cold turkey and just "give up chocolate" " fried foods" etc. instead of soda drink water, if you must have soda make it diet, but have only 1 cup a day rather than every meal. also TREAT yourself. have one cheat day( I DO on saturdays) i eat a tasty treat(ice cream bar, a portion size bag of potato chips). instead of fried foods do bake.. i cut out fried foods 2 months ago and last week i had fried chicken drumstick and it hurt my stomach.. so my point is that your body adjusts to the changes.