Hey I'm new and would like supportful friends!!

Hey I'm Sam and there's chocolate ice cream in the freezer help!


  • Hi Sam, welcome!
  • Hey sam!!! You re strong!!! You dont need that!! :-)
  • mandywestbroek
    mandywestbroek Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Sam
  • deedavis27
    deedavis27 Posts: 18 Member
    hey Sam :D Ice cream bad - keep repeating that in your head haha well that's what I do anyway when my loving children bring home yummies
  • Hi Sam. Back away from the chocolate... :smile: Feel free to add me
  • Be strong. I know how you feel!
  • emilyyyt95
    emilyyyt95 Posts: 153 Member
    Bad Sam! No ice cream, you can do it! Fight the urge :)
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    I'm not supportful, but have been know to be supportive on occasion...
  • bltaylor86
    bltaylor86 Posts: 11 Member
    Get some dark chocolate! I have a little piece if I get a bad chocolate craving! The small amount satisfies my sweet tooth but I don't end up out of control! And dark is better for you
  • maggiescottie
    maggiescottie Posts: 1 Member
    I buy one large chocolate bar per month. 80% or more. It is SO rich, one square satisfies me (although I am sure it is yummy grated on ice cream)
  • Hey same, I'm Kyla. You can add me as well if you'd like! I have the same struggle daily! We can fight together haha :)
  • Sam*
  • Thanks girls I bought it before I decided to count my calories RAGRETS it's brand new and my partner needs to hurry up and scoff it down so I'm not tempted haha! I had milo instead.... Healthier decision?

  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hi Sam. I have to keep the temptation of sweet things out of my house. Otherwise I just give in and feel guilty the next day
  • always up for a bit of banter, feel free to add.
  • Justheretodome
    Justheretodome Posts: 15 Member
    The good thing about chocolate is that you get to burn it off! ;)
  • jennajohns2271
    jennajohns2271 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey Sam feel free to add me. :)
  • Justheretodome
    Justheretodome Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Sam feel free to add me. :)
    Hey... I'd like to add you but haven't figured it out yet.

    Hi!? :)
  • Justheretodome
    Justheretodome Posts: 15 Member
    As soon as I can figure out how.
  • jstephens5374
    jstephens5374 Posts: 5 Member
    I eat halo top ice cream! It is a little spendy but it has half of the calories and it is delicious! Safeway is starting to carry it. 280 calories per pint and has lots of protein! Good luck!