Any early morning exercisers here? ( 6 a.m-7 a.m)

Hi! My name is Kristin. I am 31 years old, and need to lose probably about 15-20 pounds. I am so motivated to lose weight and have increased my exercise and am eating a lot better! I wanted to ask anyone who currently exercises in the morning if they have seen it to make a difference in your weight loss? I leave for work at 7 am, and I was thinking of working out from 5:15-6 am. I heard that it jump starts your metabolism. I would like to go to the YMCA and just do the elliptical, and walk and jog on the treadmill. Here are the questions I was wondering:

a. What do you do to exercise early in the morning?
b. Do you feel tired at work, or do you feel more alert at work? Can you feel a difference at work because you exercised before?
c. Has it helped your weight loss and metabolism?

I am pretty sure I am going to start tomorrow, but wanted to hear if anymore recommends it or has seen benefits from it. I was just worried about being tired at work. I think working out early in the morning will help me with my schedule, because I have two little boys and sometimes can't find the time in the day to exercise.

Also, I really need friends on myfitnesspal, I have 0 as of now!! So add me please :)




  • markg45202
    Hi Kristin,

    I have moved my cycling routine to the early morning hours in addition to an IF schedule (1600 cal/day; 6 hours on/18 hours off). I ride about 30 minutes after waking up with a 10-minute warm-up, 2 25-mile trainer rides and 10-minute warm-down. I do not eat before the rides and take in only water with Powerade (80 cals/serving).

    At first I was in awful shape; I had a really hard time adjusting to that schedule. Admittedly, it is still difficult but getting a little easier each day.

    I have been averaging 1.2lbs/day weight loss and my heart rate during the rides is becoming more and more efficient. (Down from 135 bpm to 127 bpm).

    Sending you a friend request.

    Good luck!

  • KrissyIrene83
    KrissyIrene83 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you Mark! That is my goal 1-2 pounds a week!
  • bababs89
    bababs89 Posts: 307 Member
    I go to the gym bright and early before work a few times a week to do cardio or a boot camp class (like 5:15am early). It was rough at first, but now I love it! It definitely makes me feel more alert and like I'm ready to start my day. I'm not sure that it has helped my weight loss anymore than going later in the day, but it is definitely easier to fit into my schedule and makes me feel better.

  • KrissyIrene83
    KrissyIrene83 Posts: 23 Member
    edited February 2015
    Thank you babsabs89. That's what I was hoping is that it would make me feel better. I do Zumba classes a few times a week and it really sheds the pounds as well!!
  • tbilly20
    tbilly20 Posts: 154 Member
    Working out in the morning rocks! I go to the gym and swim in the AM or hit the ellipitcal. I also ride the spin bike early at my work. During the summer, I ride my bike to work, so the time is about the same. Usually 6-7 am.

    My mornings feel better, and my head is more clear. Not sure about metabolism based on time of day. My favorite part? I am done with my workout for the whole day early!!!
  • KrissyIrene83
    KrissyIrene83 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you tbilly! I was looking for motivational replies to help myself get my butt out of bed early tomorrow! Thanks!
  • leeabrown5054
    leeabrown5054 Posts: 16 Member
    I get up and work out early too but its hard for me to get out of bed so I set my alarm on the other side of the room so I have no choice to get up, then I grab some protein and head out, the first week or so halfway through the day I was tired but I eventually got over that, as long as you're eating properly with the exercise you shouldn't feel tired in the afternoon.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I exercise early in the morning because if I don't get it done early, it doesn't happen. I workout at home, so out of necessity need to get up and get it done before the family gets up and invades the living room. So 5am is when I start my workouts on strength days, and at sunrise on run days in summer (to beat the heat), and I enjoy the luxury of running mid-morning in the winter months.

    The benefit is having it done and getting on with my day. I don't believe working out at any particular time is more beneficial than any other - the best time to work out is when it fits in your schedule and at a time you can stick with.
  • KrissyIrene83
    KrissyIrene83 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everybody! Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
  • pdwhitlock
    pdwhitlock Posts: 83 Member
    krisrog213 wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Kristin. I am 31 years old, and need to lose probably about 15-20 pounds. I am so motivated to lose weight and have increased my exercise and am eating a lot better! I wanted to ask anyone who currently exercises in the morning if they have seen it to make a difference in your weight loss? I leave for work at 7 am, and I was thinking of working out from 5:15-6 am. I heard that it jump starts your metabolism. I would like to go to the YMCA and just do the elliptical, and walk and jog on the treadmill. Here are the questions I was wondering:

    a. What do you do to exercise early in the morning?
    b. Do you feel tired at work, or do you feel more alert at work? Can you feel a difference at work because you exercised before?
    c. Has it helped your weight loss and metabolism?

    I am pretty sure I am going to start tomorrow, but wanted to hear if anymore recommends it or has seen benefits from it. I was just worried about being tired at work. I think working out early in the morning will help me with my schedule, because I have two little boys and sometimes can't find the time in the day to exercise.

    Also, I really need friends on myfitnesspal, I have 0 as of now!! So add me please :)

    Hi Kristin! I absolutely despised working out 6 months ago, especially in the morning. So I started walking/running in the evening. I was exhausted after work though, and I just wanted to come home, fix dinner and relax. Two months ago,I changed to working out anywhere from 3-6 times a week now in the morning instead. The hardest part is not hitting the snooze button! I've found my routine and if I miss a morning I feel sluggish and sleepy that day. If I prepare myself the night before, I'm committed and looking forward to the next morning workout. So at night, while fixing and logging my meals for the next day, I pack my gym bag with my clothes and essentials for the gym and I actually SLEEP in my workout clothes. I've found that the less time I have to spend getting ready in the morning, the more I look forward to being in the gym. I've found a new hobby in weight lifting but still have to force myself to do my minimum of 30 minutes of cardio. I hope this helps. Let us know how you progress!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I wanted to ask anyone who currently exercises in the morning if they have seen it to make a difference in your weight loss?

    the only difference it makes in my weight loss is that it's often the only time i get to work out.
    I leave for work at 7 am, and I was thinking of working out from 5:15-6 am. I heard that it jump starts your metabolism.

    it does no such thing.

    a. What do you do to exercise early in the morning?
    b. Do you feel tired at work, or do you feel more alert at work? Can you feel a difference at work because you exercised before?
    c. Has it helped your weight loss and metabolism?

    a. i have everything prepared the night before. clothes laid out, lunch and food to take to work in a bag in the fridge. coffee pot on an automatic timer. remove all possible excuses that will prevent you from walking out that door.

    b. yes, at first i felt more tired at work, but you get used to it. it is better than a cup of coffee... but i still need that coffee

    c. no, a healthy diet has helped my weight loss
    I am pretty sure I am going to start tomorrow, but wanted to hear if anymore recommends it or has seen benefits from it. I was just worried about being tired at work. I think working out early in the morning will help me with my schedule, because I have two little boys and sometimes can't find the time in the day to exercise.

    you'll be tired at work, but the best way to counter this is to get at least 7 hours of sleep the night before you try to work out at 5am. also, don't start off doing this four days in a week. try twice a week for a little while.
  • LadyLots2Lose
    LadyLots2Lose Posts: 110 Member
    I'm a morning exerciser on weekdays and I throw a couple of afternoon sessions in where my schedule allows. Getting up early was the hardest part for me (I'm a night owl or, I was) but after a few weeks my body clock had me bouncing out of bed at 05:30 ish most days. I definitely feel more alert during the day as a result but, I don't know if there's any real metabolic benefit to working out at particular times.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    also, a motivating song as a ringtone is good. for a while mine was "eye of the tiger"
  • pdwhitlock
    pdwhitlock Posts: 83 Member
    Also about having young children and working out, I found that the morning helped me because my husband works evenings and so the morning time is most often the only "quiet time" I have. Maybe the more reason I consider this time my hobby now :smiley:
  • tgoila
    tgoila Posts: 10 Member
    Me too!!! I wake up by 6.30 and workout from 6.45-7.30 at home. Currently doing Jillian's ripped in 30. my question is, do u guys eat something or work out empty stomach? what are the pros and cons?
  • Luvbeers
    I also wake up at 6am... slam a tall espresso then use an elliptical for 45min in the winter or go run for an hour in the palace gardens during the spring, summer and fall.
  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    krisrog213 wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Kristin. I am 31 years old, and need to lose probably about 15-20 pounds. I am so motivated to lose weight and have increased my exercise and am eating a lot better! I wanted to ask anyone who currently exercises in the morning if they have seen it to make a difference in your weight loss? I leave for work at 7 am, and I was thinking of working out from 5:15-6 am. I heard that it jump starts your metabolism. I would like to go to the YMCA and just do the elliptical, and walk and jog on the treadmill. Here are the questions I was wondering:

    a. What do you do to exercise early in the morning?
    b. Do you feel tired at work, or do you feel more alert at work? Can you feel a difference at work because you exercised before?
    c. Has it helped your weight loss and metabolism?

    I am pretty sure I am going to start tomorrow, but wanted to hear if anymore recommends it or has seen benefits from it. I was just worried about being tired at work. I think working out early in the morning will help me with my schedule, because I have two little boys and sometimes can't find the time in the day to exercise.

    Also, I really need friends on myfitnesspal, I have 0 as of now!! So add me please :)


    I get up at 5.30, have coffee and work out (I lift, mainly). To me, there is no better way to start the day. I feel alert, on track, strong and awesome.
    When I am tired in bed, I just picture myself after the workout and how I would feel if I did not go - reason enough to go!!

    Two things:
    - you have to go to bed earlier and make it a habit. My alarm clock is on 5.15 even on rest days.
    - Remember to take in enough water after!!!
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    On the weekends I'm in there at 6am. Saturday's I deadlift . Yeah, it pumps you up the rest of the day - I chase around a 4 year old on the weekends.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm up at 5:15 and down to the basement to exercise by 5:30 four days a week and at the gym by 6 once a week. I like getting it done early in the day. The only drawback is that I need a longer warm up in the morning compared to the afternoon or night.

    As for what I do, some days weights and some days walking on the treadmill. I don't feel a difference at work, energy-wise but I do feel relief that I've done something active before sitting at a desk all day.

    Exercise has helped me burn more calories, which has translated to more weight lost. I don't think I burn more in the morning vs.the evening though.
  • cliffodom1
    cliffodom1 Posts: 57 Member
    I am busy as mort people are. You don’t control your time from 8:00am until you go to bed. Either you have a work schedule and after work you have to get everybody fed, and the dogs need to be petted, your kids need to be played with, your favorite TV shows need to be watched, and your favorite bar needs to be drank at. So the only time you can control is between 11:00pm (bed time) and 7:00am (getting ready for work). You can either fill that entire time with sleep (that little slice of death) or you can wake up and work out. That is what I do. I get to the gym around 4:00am to 4:30am. I have a lot of energy during the day because I have always had energy. Getting up early just moves your body to a new more easternly time zone. The tired thing comes from when you reset your clock to that easternly time zone by waking up early you want bed time earlier say around 8:00pm you start feeling like bed time is near.