Frustrated and Depressed

Hi I' new here and I am beyond frustrated. Nothing I do works. I cut carbs, I eat right, I exercise. Nothing helps. I even tried Herbal Life. Feels like I'm constantly gaining weight and nothing I do works.


  • Have you had your thyroid checked? Maybe ther
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Define "eating right" -- are you eating at a calorie deficit?
  • bobseviltwin
    bobseviltwin Posts: 4 Member
    I normally eat 1200 calories daily.. I must admit sometimes I eat less. Since lately I haven't been doing much exercise because I'm just.. I've lost all motivation because I'm seeing no change.. :s
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    How do you know you are eating 1200 calories? Are you weighing your food? Are you sure you are using accurate nutrition data? Are there snacks or meals that you sometimes forget to log? This is a great video demonstrating how you can unknowingly consume more calories than you think - even if you think you are diligently "eating right."