Anyone else with emotional/binge eating problems?

sophzhr Posts: 96 Member
edited February 2015 in Motivation and Support
Ok, so I've been on MFP for a few months, but have been trying to lose weight for about 3 years. My first year saw me restricting calories like an idiot (the usual under 1000 story...), and that sent me off on binge/emotional eating. In the 1.5 years since, when I've been trying to lose weight AND control binge habits, I've put on 20lb. So now I'm trying to lose 30-35lb (I'm 156, trying to get to 120-125lb).
Has this happened to anyone else? Just come off a 3 day binge, and trying to make this new start 'the one'...but we'll see. Would love to hear from others with similar stories, and what you did/are doing to escape the binge cycle :smile:


  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Yep, I've been going through this. Used to eat less than 1000 calories, got down to 48kg. which was too low for me and caused me other problems and then went to binge-restriction cycle with made me put another 7-8kg. so I'm trying to lose at least 5 of them... :( Good luck with your journey,
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    That sounds like me. I've struggled with binge eating for my entire life...found MFP last spring and dropped the weight (about 15-17 lbs) and "controlled" my binge eating. My calories were really low-set at 1200 (my intake ranged from none-1600), but I was exercising in excess (5-13 mile runs every day plus weights), so essentially starving myself. I stopped tracking. Stopped working out. And binged my way back to 145....then up to 147+. I've been back on MFP for a month am currently at 142. I upped my calories to 1500 (before exercise calories) and am trying to listen to my body. I had a mini binge yesterday, but I'm not beating myself up for it. That was yesterday. And today is today. A new day. I keep repeating to myself that I love myself and it hurts myself when I force the quantities in my body. Because it does. And I hate it ...But, I shall take it one day at a time until I beat this! I think we all can !
  • AutumnSal
    AutumnSal Posts: 15 Member
    Yep, me too - I'm currently at 158lb and idealy want to be down to 125lb. I over eat and feel rubbish so eat more and lose all motivation so have a glass of wine or two and then decide to start the day a-new 'tomorrow' but don't plan and so eat the 'wrong, quick snak' foods and all my good intentions go out of the window! :'( sob. My calorie limit on MFP is currently 1200 - yer maybe too low!
    I thought about and changed today my diary so I eat 5 smaller meals a day - maybe that will help. Whats a good calorie baseline to try meet - realistic.
    I want to feel good and not stuff my face and to have energy to run each day like I used too!
    I work full time again now and have two small kiddies - it's not easy when you have to organise everyone else and everyone else comes first (as I do believe they should)

    If any of you want to become friends feel free to add me. I know I could do with the support! I hope I can be a support for you too - like minded and all of that :)
  • many_splendored
    many_splendored Posts: 113 Member
    Soph, you're not alone, I promise. Feel free to add me.
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    I'm with you. I do really well during the week, but on the weekends when my husband comes home, I end up eating and drinking too much. Now I have all healthy foods in the house so on Saturday night when I was drinking wine, I started binging, but it was all healthy. Only lost a half pound this week, which was really more during the week, but my binge caused me to put on 2-3 pounds. I joined Weight Watchers and they are doing a lot of focus on binge eating and more counseling. I think it will help me stay more focused. The teacher sends text every day to motivate us and has a Facebook page where people share the struggles and victories. For right now, I need this, but I'll always use MFP. The support with this group is wonderful. Please feel free to add me as a friend. We can do this!
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yes, I've been through that. I think it would help to eat more calories, for starters. Go to to figure out how much to eat each day. You don't need to eat back exercise calories using their calculator as it takes the exercise into account already. You can probably eat more than you realize. Then, I think it would help to not limit what you are eating. If you feel deprived because of not having sweets, for instance, work some sweets into your calories. If you feel deprived from not having fast food, work some fast food into your calories. Believe it or not, McDonald's has some lower calorie items. Deprivation is the worst thing to do if you have problems with binging. Just be sure to stick to your calorie count. Try to set a goal, like "for 60 days, I will log and stick to my diet." Then, it's not overwhelming. And you can set a different goal when you get there.
  • smmcglone
    smmcglone Posts: 3 Member
    Yep same problem. I have always had this problem. When I did not have kids I was able to work out more and balance it. Now two kids later I am a mess. I stress out that I can't get through daily tasks and eat all night long after dinner. Just had baby # 2 6 weeks ago and everyday I start out great then fall apart by dinner. I keep hoping today will be the day I make the commitment. I thought I could do it being that I used to run half marathons and complete triathlons? When I work out now all I can focus on is how big and out of shape I am. Then I feel lime a failure and eat cookies after. Maybe reading about others struggling will help me commit. I want to be good role model for my girls. Good luck on your journey!
  • JediMaster_intraining
    Feel free to add me everyone! I have this problem too. I was under control for a year back when I started on MFP in 2011. I maintained for a year and then lost control again (not only with food but alcohol intake too). Back in the cycle again! It sucks because I actually reached my goal weight and now have to start over essentially. :(
  • Caldarella
    You're not alone. I have dealt with this for a long time. I think it's important to have a strong support group to help you when you are feeling weak. Add me.
  • sophzhr
    sophzhr Posts: 96 Member
    I haven't been on MFP very long, but I'm completely amazed by the amount of support on here :blush: Thanks a lot everyone, it makes me feel a lot more motivated to be able to say I'm doing this with people supporting me (my family knows about it, but don't really 'get it' since they've never had these issues before, thank heavens). SO many of things you guys said reminded me of the everyday struggle...but I feel a lot more like I can do it now :blush: Good luck to all of you! :smiley:
  • JM1481
    JM1481 Posts: 88 Member
    sophzhr wrote: »
    I haven't been on MFP very long, but I'm completely amazed by the amount of support on here :blush: Thanks a lot everyone, it makes me feel a lot more motivated to be able to say I'm doing this with people supporting me (my family knows about it, but don't really 'get it' since they've never had these issues before, thank heavens). SO many of things you guys said reminded me of the everyday struggle...but I feel a lot more like I can do it now :blush: Good luck to all of you! :smiley:

    Good luck to you also!! <3<3<3
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Hey! I started around 181 and am trying to get down to 120-125. I have started probably about 4-5 different times and this is the first time that I am breaking through some serious barriers and I am now at 143. I think one of the big things that helps me is pre-logging. Mentally I don't let myself veer from what I have already logged unless I did a lot of exercise and I need to eat some calories back (and even then I have foods designated for that purpose that I can choose from). I also weigh myself every day so that I have a constant reminder of why I am doing this. Some people freak about the fluctuations, but fortunately I don't and if you don't either than it might help keep you on track. I also cannot cannot cannot do cheat days/meals. Some people can, but if I do then my chances of coming off track are much higher. I definitely want to incorporate some foods back in to my diet when I enter maintenance, but I don't mind making the sacrifice to say goodbye to them while I am losing. Also, feel free to add me!