Been over weight all my life

Since I was a little girl, I have always been bigger than others. I'm here to make a change that'll last a life time. I don't want to lose weight and gain it all back a couple months later.


  • Hi, my name is Carmen. I'm in the same boat. Plss add me, so we can keep motivated.
  • Make it your life! You can do it! Discipline, hard work! All it takes. I've lost 130 pounds on this app and am almost to the lean athletic body I want. Never be satisfied with your progress and you will see results in a heartbeat!
  • if you really stick with it, you can absolutely do it!! stay focused and on track :) and always remember that if you have a 'bad' day, a 'bad' meal, or you miss a workout IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! just pick up where you left off and keep moving forward :) don't use it as an excuse to give up (something i, personally am working on) you can do this!
  • ahokay89
    ahokay89 Posts: 353
  • justine_grimm
    justine_grimm Posts: 10 Member
    I've always been bigger too. I wanna loose it and keep it gone. I just started and I love this app. Add me if you need mutual support. Good luck :)
  • 19Steve70
    19Steve70 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi please add me, I don't know how to add ty
  • I can totally relate, please add me for mutual ;) motivation. Thx Gil
  • dhruti387
    dhruti387 Posts: 2 Member
    Same here. I started working out in mid January, so far no result