Ahhh my hair is falling out!!



  • fsalib3
    fsalib3 Posts: 14 Member
    Glad to hear it all worked out :smiley: ]

  • firegurl126
    firegurl126 Posts: 16 Member
    fsalib3 wrote: »
    Glad to hear it all worked out :smiley: ]

    Thank you
  • PammieSuzyQ
    PammieSuzyQ Posts: 100 Member
    edited February 2015
    How old are you? Have you recently given birth? Have you had a recent Tubal Ligation or Hysterectomy? Are you in Perimenopause, Menopause, or Post-Menopause? On you on Birth Control or HRT, (Hormone Replacement Therapy)? Have you checked all your meds for a possible link to hair loss?

    So this was/is my experience:
    I lost some hair after the birth of each of my children, but it grew back. I lost some hair after my tubal ligation, and more after perimenopause. Then post-menopause, HRT, and one of my new medications came at me all at once and I lost a LOT of my hair. I now have about 1/8th of the hair I had in my 20s, (i'm 54). This year I made the decision to go short, it's too thin to keep it long anymore. I quit taking the one medication, "Gabapentin", otherwise known as "Neurontin" after eighteen months. It was very necessary for pain, but I lost most of my hair on it. I've been on vitamins/minerals for decades. For the last couple of years I have taken 10,000mcg of Biotin twice a day, I see some hair growth in some areas of my scalp and my eyelashes and eyebrows grew back in. But other than that no real come back. I suspect that once hair is gone after perimenopause, it's pretty much gone.

    I suggest talking with your own doctor.
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I lost my hair because of thyroid issues. Even though I KNEW they wouldn't work, I desperately tried all the advice out there, including biotin. Except for actual drugs and surgery, I tried ALL of it.

    None of it helped. My thyroid was fixed and my hair didn't come back.

    It's just gone. Sob, sniff, woe is me...I've learned to live with it. If a cure came out tomorrow, I'd be there! But there is no cure. That's why we have bald guys and women with with little hair.

    If anything worked, you'd see it all over the news. It would be a HUGE deal. It wouldn't be a secret that nobody knew about.

    It sucks.

    My thyroid is normal....I had it tested.

    I had mine tested too. TSH was normal. Yet other thyroid markers are off. Waiting currently to find out if a growth on my thyroid is cancer. Keep a check on it.

    More protein sometimes helps. I have heard prenatal vitamins help.
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    I lost hair about 2 weeks before my first daughter was born. I was in the shower washing my hair, and ended up with a bunch in my hand. I was weirded out, until I realized that my hair used to shed all the time before I got pregnant. The pregnancy stopped my cyclical hair-shedding, until it was almost over. Hormones - go figure. My hair started out pretty thick, though, so it was hard to tell. It's getting a little thinner now, which makes it easier to brush through. If you Dr. isn't worried, it will probably be all right. I will get slammed for saying this, but have you ever tried an olive oil soak at the roots? Just let olive oil sit on your scalp for a few minutes, and shampoo well. My grandma swears by it.
  • mbcieslak87
    mbcieslak87 Posts: 206 Member
    I had this happen during college because I was eating 1200 calories a day too (I too took a multivitamin and biotin)- I met with my doctor and she gave me several pieces of advice that have helped a ton!
    - eats fats
    - always meet protein goals
    - take a vitamin with iron

    I'm not sure which of these helped most (I didn't make a scientific study of it because I was just desperate to get my hair back to it's previous thickness) - but I do know that after 3 years of meticulously taking a pre-natal vitamin (just because they typically have iron), and upping my proportions of protein and fat in my diet, my hair has returned to normal. Good luck! I know it can be worrisome - especially when you're getting happy with how you're looking physically, just to have another appearance issue begin.

    As a side note - I now also now eat a lot more than 1200 calories a day - I don't know how I used to do it and would never attempt to eat that little again. Eating more makes it easier to meet my nutritional goals too!
  • jcim1ru
    jcim1ru Posts: 40 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!

    I trimmed down 101 in 2014 and yes, my hair fell out. By the handfuls actually. I visited my doctor to find out what was wrong, we scanned my food logs and he looked me in the eye and explained to me the shock I was putting my body through. I still worried, which of course didn't help my cause.

    Then I went to my stylist for my 5-week cut and color touch up and she commented too. But her comments were what saved my sanity. She laughed and said, yes, your hair is falling out and thinning but look out, you have hundreds of tiny hairs all over your head.

    I started out with a full head of thick hair that went down to the middle of my back. I tried and tried to salvage it and the efforts were for not. Two days before Christmas I took the plunge and cut it all off into a bob. It's just below my ears and what a difference!

    It's healthy looking again, it's shiny and thickening up. It's all growing back and I have more body than before. Monitor your food balances, check with your stylist and make sure you have new growth and start cruising Pinterest for new hairstyles. I feel like I finally closed the chapter on the old me when I cut my hair and tried a new look.

    I'm growing it back out now and I'm so very glad I cut it and started over.

    Good luck!