Need Accountability Friends to help lose pregnancy weight (64 pounds to go)

I've been using this app for a few months, and I've been pretty successful with it. I started out (this go around) at 200, and now I am 184. So, I've lost a total of 16 pounds with the help of this lovely site!

My best advise is to log every single thing you put into your mouth, and if all possible, weigh everything with a digital scale. I weigh everything!

I am looking for some accountability friends. I would love to have some MFP friends who will help me stay motivated and make sure that I have entered everything daily, AND, if you like I will do the same for you.


  • SkinnyShannSoon
    SkinnyShannSoon Posts: 16 Member
    Oh ya, if you're going to add me as a friend, you have to keep your food/exercise journal open! I keep mine open. That's the whole purpose of this. :)<3:)<3