Luke here!

Hey guys, I'm a 20 year old college student. I'd consider myself quite active. I lift 5-6 days a week and in between I like to swim,run, and really any other sport you can think of. I'm currently 184lbs at 18% body fat. The goal is to stay between 180-190lbs but drob down under 10%. The lowest I've ever weighed was 149lbs and the most I've weighed was 229lbs. I am 5'8''. I am in search of some great tips on diet as I start to transform into a next level of fit as of building more muscle but keeping the carbs low (mostly because of hypertruphy). If you have any ideas for daily meals, snacks, really anything! Just send me a message or comment on this!

Thanks, Luke


  • coltonlebeau17
    coltonlebeau17 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey bro, Id love to talk to you about these things. I'm currently in the Naval Special Warfare Pipeline (you can look that up on google) and I have some good tips that I've used that helped me out in training. Hit me up sometime bro!
  • Hey man, definitely will shoot you a message! I'd like to hear a little more about the what you do in the navy as well. My best buddy is in the navy right now too. Haha