Poor cat can't keep his food down

He's 4 years old and seems to puke after almost every meal. I try not to change his food, but I can't help not ruling out that it may be the food that's making him ill. We give him Science Diet/Sensitive Stomach. He's been on that for at least three years. In that time I've have tried maybe one or two other brands, he still pukes. Lately, he prefers eating plastic rather than his food. He doesn't like fish at all.

We tried Purina One, and IAMS -no improvement. I cant get him in to see a vet until next weekend. Any suggestions?


  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Have you tried wet food?
    Science Diet is actually not a good food :(
    Or try some homemade cat food?
  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    not to be rude at al but what does this have to do with excercise?
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    Well, we had a cat that had the same problem. All it was was greed. He did the same thing every day, he was just eating his dry food so fast, and then he drank water. After the water as in his tummy for a while, it seemed to expand the dry food and he threw up - just about every time.
    Does it happen with wet food too? We usually just give our cats wet food on the weekend as a special treat, but it never happened with wet food.

    Do you have more than 1 cat? We noticed it was better if we kept the other 2 cats away, so he can eat alone and in peace without feeling like he has to eat fast to get something.

    Sandy: This is in the Chit-Chat section - if you don't like chit chat, I recommend you don't visit this section
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    not to be rude at al but what does this have to do with excercise?

    nothing which is why it is under the "chit chat fun and games forum"

    to the op... if your cat likes milk. I would maybe put him on a watery diet until you can get him in to the vet next week. Maybe put a little cat food in the milk to make it soft.
  • kimberlygo
    kimberlygo Posts: 74
    Take your cat to the vet. It could be nothing, but if its serious, it could be a big problem.
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    not to be rude at al but what does this have to do with excercise?

    She's in the chit-chat forum. I don't think everything in here has to be about exercise, but maybe I'm wrong.

    Have you taken your cat to the vet? He may have something in his tummy that's not helping. If you're not mixing the food when you switch, that will make their stomach hurt.
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    Definitely get him to the vet. My fathers older dog also had that problem. Turns out she had a tear in her esophagus which was causing her stomach to become filled with air and causing her to throw up any food she ate.

    Is there a reason you can't get your cat to the vet until next weekend? I would take him ASAP and would not wait that long considering he basically would not be eating for two weeks.
  • msjersey73
    msjersey73 Posts: 182 Member
    how about boiled chicken, cut up or shredded. and on the side maybe with some rice (in a blender with cooked peas or carrots and potatoes)
    then fold it into the chicken or on the side.
    this was what i fed my old cat, when she was picky and or sick. good luck, prayers for kitty :-)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    not to be rude at al but what does this have to do with excercise?
    Please note the section of the Message Boards under which this was posted: "Chit-chat, fun, and games". It's always good to take a minute to gather the facts before criticizing, Champ.

    Choirgirl37, I hope that your cat is feeling better soon.
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    I've tried to tempt him with various brands of wet foods -even the expensive wholesome/natural kind. He won't go near it. I offered him other brands with more natural ingredients such as chicken or fish...He wouldn't touch it. If you have a brand recommendation -let me know.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    nothing - it's in the chit chat board - that means anything goes, no?

    Hope your cat is well soon. Make sure he's getting enough water. That could be a sign of kidney infection if it's a sudden change but if it's an ongoing thing, it could be a food allergy.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I've tried to tempt him with various brands of wet foods -even the expensive wholesome/natural kind. He won't go near it. I offered him other brands with more natural ingredients such as chicken or fish...He wouldn't touch it. If you have a brand recommendation -let me know.

    I would get him into the vet.. if you cant get an appointment at your vet, take him to another, some vets even have emergency rooms, this could be very serious.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I'd call a vet sometimes they can give you advice over the phone without having to bring the animal in. @ least they did for me :) Hopefully the poor kitty gets over his illness. Hopefully there's no blockages or signs of cancer. But if he's been like that for 3 years then it's probably something else. Maybe allergies or lacking of something.
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I will seperate the two cats so they can eat alone. The doctor will see him in 5 days.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Sorry :( My cats eat anything... I never have had this issue. I would call the vet again and tell them he is getting worse and still cant eat. There's no reason they shouldn't be able to get him in sooner! It sounds like an emergency to me!
    If payment is an issue, maybe give them a post dated check or something? Idk.
    I would be freaking out if that was my cat :(
    I've tried to tempt him with various brands of wet foods -even the expensive wholesome/natural kind. He won't go near it. I offered him other brands with more natural ingredients such as chicken or fish...He wouldn't touch it. If you have a brand recommendation -let me know.
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    I've had my cat for almost two years and she does the exact same thing. Almost every meal she eats she pukes...I don't change her food, she only gets 1/4 cup once a day now and sometimes is fine. She'll go weeks and then start up again. She has also taken to meowing all night recently to wake me up and feed her. I asked the vet and he told me it was hairballs...it's not hairballs. I can't figure it out either! BTW if anyone knows how to get a cat to stop meowing let me know! I'm seriously losing at least an hour of sleep nightly. I might have to put her on craigslist soon if the meowing, and puking doesn't stop!
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    He's not underweight. He is a solid 11.5 lbs and he seems to do better with a fresh bag of food. So, when I feed him from a freshly opened bag of food, he seems tol hold the food better. I'll get him a fresh bag, and he will be okay until Saturday.
  • tlkoehl
    tlkoehl Posts: 27
    it almost sounds like acid reflux kind a thing:( not sure but I agree with the liquids, if he drinks milk at least he is getting something. I hope you find a solution soon:cry:
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I've tried to tempt him with various brands of wet foods -even the expensive wholesome/natural kind. He won't go near it. I offered him other brands with more natural ingredients such as chicken or fish...He wouldn't touch it. If you have a brand recommendation -let me know.

    I would get him into the vet.. if you cant get an appointment at your vet, take him to another, some vets even have emergency rooms, this could be very serious.

    and with cats, going without proper meals can be a life and death situation(BTDT, going thru that now)

    Try giving him 1/4 regular pepcid about 30 mins before you eat.

    It could very well be greed, snarfing down too fast then throwing it back up, but upset stomachs can be a sign of a lot more serious problems, kidney failure, cancer, something in his belly that shouldn't be, amongst other things

    good luck
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I've had my cat for almost two years and she does the exact same thing. Almost every meal she eats she pukes...I don't change her food, she only gets 1/4 cup once a day now and sometimes is fine. She'll go weeks and then start up again. She has also taken to meowing all night recently to wake me up and feed her. I asked the vet and he told me it was hairballs...it's not hairballs. I can't figure it out either! BTW if anyone knows how to get a cat to stop meowing let me know! I'm seriously losing at least an hour of sleep nightly. I might have to put her on craigslist soon if the meowing, and puking doesn't stop!

    try splitting up the meals,maybe increase food too if she's hungry.