Any early morning exercisers here? ( 6 a.m-7 a.m)



  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I work out from 5:30-6:30 most days. That's when I can reasonably get my training in, and when I am less likely to make excuses about it.

    For the first month of starting an exercise program, yes, I am tired. Period. Then I get into a groove and in general that morning workout wakes me up and has me more alert and charged up for the day. Oh, I sleep like the dead when I am working out properly, and I by damn need my 7.5-8 hours or I am blasted well useless, but if I go to bed on time, I'm all good.

    I have never had my metabolism tested so I have no idea in the world what my exercise does for it. I know that when I work out a lot, my weight loss goes pretty steadily and I have to eat uncomfortably little to lose weight if I do not (short, middle-aged yo-yo dieter)
  • gerryleanne92
    gerryleanne92 Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2015
    My morning alarm goes off at 6:00, and I have to leave the house no later than 7:30. In the evening I do at home workouts such as The 30 Day Shred, Blogilates pilates videos from YouTube (I follow the monthly calendar everyday), many flexibility stretches, and I'm slowly easing myself into using weights... But when I got home from work in the afternoons I just wanted to relax, and it took a lot of internal bribery for me to get on with whatever I'd set myself at the time.

    Then I decided to add in a little morning routine to my schedule, and ever since I've been doing it (3-4 weeks now), I've been itching to get home and get my butt moving. I walk to work (only fifteen minutes), but having that pumped feeling from my morning workout on the way means all I think about on my journey is how motivated I'm feeling, how I can't wait to get home and do some more, and what I'll do today, because I'm chasing after keeping that pumped feeling I have from my morning routine.

    At the minute my morning routine is:
    - 1 minute plank
    - 15 press ups
    - 20 crunches
    - 10 double leg lifts
    - 25 criss cross crunches
    - 50 pointed butt lifts (each side)
    - 20 squats

    I do this routine once over on Tuesdays and Thursdays, twice over on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and three times over and weekend mornings. It takes me just over 10 minutes each time through, and I only just fit it into my allotted time in the morning, but I manage! If I don't get up and do it right away, I won't fit it in; which is even more encouragement to get out of bed - It's literally 'now' or not at all.
    I haven't noticed it make much of a difference to my metabolism, weight or progress etc. specifically, but it's made a massive difference to my motivation, which in turn makes me work harder and gives me greater results overall anyway! :grinning:
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    My alarm is set for 4:05am so I have time to eat before I hit the gym. Usually I lift weights, but lately due to injury have been doing mainly cardio. For me, working out in the AM is such an ingrained part of my routine that I feel lost if I deviate from it. I also love having my evenings free.

    My advice would be to prepare as much as possible the night before. Also, sending a FR your way. :)
  • librislady
    librislady Posts: 46 Member
    I work out from 6am-7am before work every day. MWF is for circuits of various bodyweight-type exercises (sometimes with additional dumbbells and medicine balls), and TH is for cardio on the treadmill with my Zombies, Run! app. :)

    I feel more relaxed at work because I stretch out after exercise, and it definitely helps rev my metabolism because I'm becoming *famished* by mid-morning. (Particularly on the weight days - bring lots of healthy snacks to work!)

    For bodyweight workout ideas and tips, I really like NerdFitness:

    Welcome to the Breakfast Club! :D
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I am also trying to get up a couple mornings a week to workout at home. There's no way I could make it to the gym early at this point lol (it's about 30 minutes away). I'm trying to be up at 5:20 to start a 30 minute workout at 5:30. I feel a little more tired during the day, but I'm sure I'll adjust. It does make me feel very good though! As for it affecting weight loss, it's too soon for me to tell.

    Make sure it's a workout you enjoy doing. I'm doing a kickboxing type workout that I LOVE so it motivates me to get my butt out of bed.
  • harieta
    harieta Posts: 135 Member
    krisrog213 wrote: »

    a. What do you do to exercise early in the morning?
    b. Do you feel tired at work, or do you feel more alert at work? Can you feel a difference at work because you exercised before?
    c. Has it helped your weight loss and metabolism?

    I am pretty sure I am going to start tomorrow, but wanted to hear if anymore recommends it or has seen benefits from it. I was just worried about being tired at work. I think working out early in the morning will help me with my schedule, because I have two little boys and sometimes can't find the time in the day to exercise.

    Also, I really need friends on myfitnesspal, I have 0 as of now!! So add me please :)

    Hello, Kristin!
    To answer your question - I am not sure what to say about morning exercise and metabolism but:
    a. I set my alarm 40 minutes earlier than I should and make sure I go to bed early so I don't sacrifice my sleep. I am mostly doing Jillian Michaels workouts and when I started, I used to get everything ready the night before: my mat, the dumbbells, the workout outfit etc.
    b. When I started last year I felt more alert at work (I no longer needed 3 cups of coffee a day) and I had more energy! - I am not sure if it was the workout or the fact that I was making sure I got at least 7 hours of sleep. I felt sore, even now I still do, but that's not something bad - It was something reminding me that I had done a great job earlier that day!
    c. Exercising - yes! It definitely helped! The timing - probably, because it is easy to form a habit by exercising in the morning (no excuses like - I had a busy day at work, I am too tired, I have other plans etc) it is something that you are likely to continue for long term.

    Good luck and enjoy your workouts!
  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm a 5:30 AMer over here!! I do super intense boot camp style workouts 3-4 times a week. I like it because if I have a rough day at work or am too tired to work out after my shift, I don't have to worry about it because it's all taken care of! As far as metabolism goes, I really don't know. But I definitely prefer the early morning workouts over afternoon or evening ones.

    I second the preparing the night before. I need to leave my house by 5:10, so everything needs to be packed and ready to go so that I can get out the door super fast.

    Try it, bet you'll love it!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    krisrog213 wrote: »

    a. What do you do to exercise early in the morning?
    b. Do you feel tired at work, or do you feel more alert at work? Can you feel a difference at work because you exercised before?
    c. Has it helped your weight loss and metabolism?

    a. I workout from 5 - 6ish each morning. Two to three times per week, I do crossfit. Two to three times a week I do slow cardio (typically walking). Once or twice per week (not always this early) I lift heavy. When I do crossfit or slow cardio, I do the work in a fasted state.

    b. Depending on how hard I pushed (not applicable on the slow cardio days) I am physically tired, but otherwise, no difference from days I don’t work out.

    c. Yes, this program, particularly slow cardio in a fasted state has greatly aided my fat loss.
  • twerglum
    twerglum Posts: 4 Member
    I am getting up at least 4 days per week to do the 30 day shred video. The best part for me is that I get in a little bit of exercise right off the bat, and if I have energy to exercise more after work, it's a bonus. I work full-time and have two little kids, so for me it just works. It was hard at first, but now I feel like crap if I don't. I don't think it makes a difference on the weight loss doing it in the morning, it just gets it over with so you can be happy about your day. I find that if I start right early, it is motivation for eating really good all day as well.