variable activity in job

OK, I have had a quick look through the other forum posts but found nothing.

I logged my job as being sedentary as I do spend a lot of time at a desk. However, There are days in which I am on my feet (constantly moving) for up to 9 hours a day (still job related).
Obviously my calorie requirements are fairly accurate for when I have a 'sedentary' day but does anyone change their activity level, or log the additional exercise and keep the job activity level consistent?

any thoughts appreciated!


  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    i am the same my job can be slow or very busy, I generally leave it as normal and use the extra "burn" to offset where I might have overestimated my calorie burn or under estimated my calorie intake.
    But if I end up doing something sustained over a while that works up a sweat then I log it!

    It does all come down to personal choice unless you invest in one of those body activity monitors you will not get an acturate result.
    go with what works for you.
  • philssis
    philssis Posts: 28
    I'd just consider those extra calorie burning days!