Googled WW vs. Jenny Craig and ended up here. Now what?

janerose99 Posts: 14 Member
I was trying to decide whether to join WW or Jenny Craig this weekend, and when I googled "Jenny Craig vs. Weight Watchers", I ended up reading about My Fitness Pal. I've decided to give it a try.

When I signed up, it said I had already signed up. Ha! I don't even remember that. I certainly never did anything after signing up. Wonder if I can change my start date? It doesn't really matter, I guess.

So.......I just eat my breakfast and log it in? I'm trying to find a "Getting Started" area......haven't found it yet.

I think this SHOULD work for me. I've been on WW several times (successfully......temporarily), so I know what to do, it's just putting it into practice.

There definitely is something magical about having to weigh in in front of someone each week. I'm hoping I can do this without that magical part. :)

Okay, here goes!!


  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    There are a bunch of posts for "newbies"...welcome to is great and there's lots of motivation and support online w/out having to go in some office like JC & WW....log your foods, log your excercise and stay accountable...and it works...faster for some than others but with real dedication it can make a difference...add me as a friend if your looking for MFP pals for mothivation/support!!!
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member

    I have done WW Online before and there are a few reasons I like MFP better . . .

    1. It's free

    2. I actually see what I am eating . . .protein, carbs, fats, fiber . . . it doesn't give my food a magical point value . .

    3. I am learning how to choose my own food, give my body healthy nutrients, and adapt it to my life. I don't have to make separate food for my family, they eat healthy with me

    4. The support here is awesome, there is always someone around to encourage you or help you with answers to your questions. When you succeed, you get a good pat on the back.

    So welcome, look around and check out the forums. Find what works for you as far as diet and exercise, and good luck!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    Welcome (back) to MFP. This is the best place to be. The website is fairly user friendly. You need to gather a lot of friends to motivate you along the way. You can request me if you want by clicking on my user name. I have done Jenny Craig with much success by didn't keep it off. I have never had any luck with WW. Good luck in your weight loss journey.


    p.s. Here is a faq page:
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I am with faithandfitness. I much prefer MFP for the same reasons. WW isnt as user friendly - I wish it had an app.

    Anyway, word of advice, take your measurements. Often the scale doesnt move but you may lose inches. I have lost 16" but the scales move very slowly for me.

    Good luck; its a great site
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member

    There definitely is something magical about having to weigh in in front of someone each week. I'm hoping I can do this without that magical part. :)

    When you weigh in on MFP your losses show on your wall so everyone can see how you have done, so i think some of the magic should still be there. Unfortunately (or fortunately for some) gains and statics don't show up.

    Good luck
  • lizzycomp
    lizzycomp Posts: 64
    I did WW years ago, lost and gained back! Been on MFP since mid February and have lost 22lbs. MFP suggests that you way in once a week and measure every 2 weeks... I feel the same "magic" from WW by doing that. I love seeing that weight loss ticker move and my weight loss total flash for every one to see...keeps me motivated. The best advice I can give you is this:
    Log in every day, even on the days you like you didn't do your best.... Those days don't matter as much as creating a habit to track your food. Eventually the weight will come off!!!! Best of luck to you and read the topics and blogs when you need the motivation.
  • sunnyrunner23
    sunnyrunner23 Posts: 182 Member
    Welcome! I have been working with this website for about a month now and I think the best part of it is that you can log in what you have eaten immediately. The phone app and bar code scanner are awesome!

    The people here are the best!
  • jill5280
    jill5280 Posts: 117 Member
    I find the community here very supportive and helpful. I am a recent WW transferee. I agree with the poster who talked about this site giving you the break down on nutrition rather than a point that is pretty magical in how the point is determined. There is no question that you can lose weight on WW and that it is good sound nutrition, but I wanted to know a little more about my food AND continue to lose weight. I am pleased with this process.
  • linholz
    linholz Posts: 4 Member
    I've also done 'em all and for tracking, MFP is by far the most complete and easiest. Right now I'm doing MediWeight Loss, BUT, and this is a big BUT -- I do ALL my tracking on MFP. I was under the impression that MFP was a tracker and not a program. Whatever it is, it's great. Love it. Good luck.
  • lisa01mb
    lisa01mb Posts: 7 Member
    I love that I can see exactly what i,m eating every day ( good or bad) and that if I want something extra I have to get off my butt and do some excercise if I want it - very motivational in itself!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello and welcome
    i have done ww in the past and lsot weight and then gained it all back! i very nearly joined ww online then i discovered mfp. love that its free and i see what i eat! plus the app is fab! esp when u are out and u just scan the barcode and it does it all for you!
    ive been maintaining for a month now! mfp is fab- love the motivationa and the encouragement from other users.
    plus u will have your progress status anywayss- so people will be able to comment on your weight loss.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Welcome to the boards and to MFP!
    I too concur with what many have posted here already.

    The majority of my weight loss was done on my own and I finally hit a mental plateau that lasted over 6 months...
    I joined MFP in the hopes to re-motivate myself to continue.

    I requested friends, received more friends requests (accepted them all) and I cannot tell you what a difference it made. Within 24 hours I felt my motivation return, I started working out again, eating healthier, etc...
    I've only been active for about a week now and I already have noticed a difference in the way I feel and that is do to my work at being healthy which is in turn do in large part to my "MFP Friends" aka my Support Base...

    Let us know how you'd like to have help - send out friend requests and feel free to accept the ones sent to you.
    I think You'll like it here.. I love it!
  • jill5280
    jill5280 Posts: 117 Member
    I've also done 'em all and for tracking, MFP is by far the most complete and easiest. Right now I'm doing MediWeight Loss, BUT, and this is a big BUT -- I do ALL my tracking on MFP. I was under the impression that MFP was a tracker and not a program. Whatever it is, it's great. Love it. Good luck.

    I agree that you have to have some foundation to what you are doing and in that MFP is not as much a "program" as a tracker. However, it does give you a calorie goal and breaks that down nutritionally, so in that it could be a program to follow for good healthy eating.

    I agree, whatever it is working for me and that is the bottom line!