Mother's Day

nikkinikki113 Posts: 279 Member
Hey Mamas!!

Just wondering how your Mother's Day went...Mine was as close to perfect as it gets :smile:

Started out getting to sleep in until 8:30!! Woohoooo!! Woke to my daughter (20 months old) carrying in a box and cards to me. Wearing her jammies and a burp cloth over her arm. Like a little waitress, it was the cutest thing ever. She's really into clothes, so she's usually wearing a pair of pants on her arms or sleeping cuddled up to a shirt, so the burp cloth was totally her own doing.

I collect the Willow Tree people, so she brought me the Mother carrying a Toddler, and an adorable card, with 4 cards inside.

I made breakfast, we went to church, cooked out with my family, had a few friends over, and topped it all off with some "dancing". :wink:

Awesome day, I felt like the Queen!! :flowerforyou:

Hope you all enjoyed your days!!!


  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Oh, the faceless willow tree people, I know them well....while working at a christian bookstore....very sister collects.....we took my mom out and had a lazy day at him.....
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    It was Mothers Day on the 3rd of April here, and that was late, as it's usually in March.

    It sounds like a lovely day, how cute!

    My Mothers Day started with breakfast on bed, followed by cards, flowers and a balloon, a nice roast dinner and some chocolate and a new top. Although not all my children live at home, the ones that don't came round for the meal xXx
  • hkuiuc99
    hkuiuc99 Posts: 79 Member
    My mother's day was pretty good! I got a beautiful homemade card and bouquet of flowers from my 7 year old daughter! She also decorated a shopping bag. I love homemade presents!

    We went shopping for vegetables for our garden, went to church, went out for lunch, and then all took naps in the afternoon! it was a fun day!

  • bcmallwalker
    Your little girl sounds adorable. After church My husband and two sons took me out for lunch, very nice. We usually get together with my mom & dad who live in town, but this year they are with my sister & brother-in-law in Texas at my nephew's college graduation. So I had to settle for a phone call.

    I got a kind of unconventional Mothers Day present. I have wanted to start a boxing workout, so I got boxing gloves, (pink ones), a heavy bag and a speed bag. I can't wait until we get them set up so I can get started.
  • emcando
    emcando Posts: 48
    My husband and I collect those Willow Figurines.
    Your daughter sounds DARLING!

    Sounds like you ladies had a great day.

    My guys (husband and 7 year old son) made it a weekend of fun. Friday hubby picked me up and we went to a great restaurant. Grilled/Fresh foods. LOVE! Then we had baseball, etc on Saturday. And Sunday my son brought me a box (it had a couple nightshirts I picked out because my husband travels and said to). The funny thing was watching him say that he and dad picked them out. HAHAHA Silly old boy!

    We went to brunch, then got my hair cut, bought some make up I needed and my son picked out some earrings for me.

    Hubby grilled out and it was just a relaxing afternoon. Just what we needed.

    Happy late Mother's Day ladies.
  • nikkinikki113
    nikkinikki113 Posts: 279 Member
    My oldest boy looked at me Friday when I picked him up and told me I couldn't look in his backpack. He insisted that I'd wake up Mother's Day morning and it would be like Easter and I'd have to "find" my gift. Throughout the rest of the weekend, he basically told me where it was, and that there was candy in it, because he couldn't contain his enthusiasm.

    Can't wait for these days :happy: