Losing the same 20lbs over and over...?

I've lost and gained in the same 15-20lb range since college, but haven't been able to get past that. Even at my lowest as an adult, I was still 15-20lbs shy of my goal, and my recommended weight. So what did you get over the hump or break the barrier into new, previously unlost weight?


  • tanyabee32
    tanyabee32 Posts: 1 Member
    I do this as well I can't seem to get past that first 20 pounds it's like oh I've lost 20 pounds now I can go crazy! Like I just can't get my mind right, Good luck to us both dear!
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I haven't yet reached that because I also yo-yoed and gained up to my original weight before I came back here. My lean body mass is greater now than it was when I was previously at 145lbs though (145 is my current goal).

    Basically, tracking macros and calories and lifting weights have helped me focus on losing body fat so that I can slowly reach my never-before-reached lean goals.
  • Rhiannawright
    Rhiannawright Posts: 11 Member
    This issue is often as much mental as physical.
    First off your body wants to stay the same as it is. it hates change as much as the rest of us.
    Also around 15-20 is when people start noticing the change in weight so you (collective you, not personal you) can start feeling good and thinking all is well and start slacking off but a bit to reward the body that has worked so hard for however long.
    Many weight lose and workout programs say they are x amount of days for a reason. When losing weight you sometimes have to change it up to keep you and you bodies interest otherwise your body will plateau and you can start gaining.