What IS it about turning 40!?!

hi all - I'm a newbie to mfp but in the past I've had real success with dropping the pounds. It seemed so easy in my 20s and 30s. Now that I've crossed 40 it seems impossible!! I've been dropping 1 or 2 and gaining back 3 or 4 for about a year now each week. Oh and I have the worst bloated stomach ever. And this is AFTER I have given up all junk food. It's just like my body is saying "I'm not budging from 150 so suck it up" :( what gives???


  • HokieXX
    It's a trap! Growing up is a big ole' trap!
    Seriously though, I have no idea! I started having issues at 40 too.
  • kasamgirl
    kasamgirl Posts: 14 Member
    I'm supposed to be on 1200 calories a day which I find is ridiculously low. Mind you I do have a sedentary job So maybe that's why mfp decided 1200 was right for me?
  • HelloNewLisa
    Hi I'm a 40 something too! My name is Lisa and I'm from Wyoming. Add me if you'd like and we can kick butt on the 40s body together! I think it just takes more exercise now as we lose muscle mass as we age. So it is truly harder to eat the same and exercise at the same levels we did in our 20 and 30s and not gain weight. But we can compensate thankfully!
  • kasamgirl
    kasamgirl Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Lisa - will definitely add you! Would love to partner with someone on this journey! :)
  • kasamgirl
    kasamgirl Posts: 14 Member
    Ok being a newbie - how do I add you? Is there a favorites section??