


  • heyhey2015
    heyhey2015 Posts: 26 Member
    Get yourself a nutribullet and blend up a protein smoothie you can take with you. Blends right into a cup with handle! Boil eggs on Sunday so you can grab and go. Maybe a variety from a bar..
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I make a dish of oatmeal in the oven (like 3 c of oatmeal with bananas blueberries and pecans) and then scoop some out in a Tupperware each morning and eat that. It's easy. And good. My portion is only 350 ish calories and it's very filling. I eat breakfast because I'm always starving when I wake up in the morning.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I like breakfast and all, but having breakfast isn't inherently healthier or better than skipping breakfast.

    I'm partial to scrambled eggs in the morning...they cook quickly. I usually have mine with 1/2 a grapefruit or something...sometimes oats.
  • DanielleFloyd08
    DanielleFloyd08 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you guys for all the amazing ideas!!
  • octhawk
    octhawk Posts: 51 Member
    I like Pure Protein bars esp. the Chocolate Deluxe. 180 calories, 21 g of protein. I have a terrible time getting protein into my diet and these really help
  • twerglum
    twerglum Posts: 4 Member
    I get the lightly sweetened apple oatmeal packages and eat them for breakfast. One package is 110 calories and keeps me full.
  • tamelamcmurray
    tamelamcmurray Posts: 10 Member
    Neither of my daughters could eat breakfast in the morning. It made them feel sick. They opted for yogurt, fruit, or granola bars to take along with them in case they were hungry mid-morning. I, however, eat a big breakfast. Just think- your body has been without food for possibly eight hours or more. Compare that to a car- it needs gas( food) to get it going. :) Best wishes!
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    If you wanna skip breakfast then go right ahead. Like others have said it's total calorie intake for the day that matters in weight loss. FWIW, I think Quest bars are DISGUSTING!
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Well the national weight loss registry listed eating breakfast as a habit of successful dieters. So there is something to that.

    I think the "something to that" is that when some people skip breakfast they are more hungry later in the day and tend to overeat then, but if you keep a good handle on your total calorie intake, I don't think skipping breakfast is a problem.
  • I tend to agree that skipping breakfast isn't important , I've not had breakfast in years as I can't eat first thing in the morning. I usually eat around 11.30 am so I call it brunch. I find that I can go then till tea time without any hunger pangs.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    I have looked at quest bars and wondered if they taste good.

    Uhh, try one? :D

    Seriously, if you don't do breakfast, then don't. There are so many success stories here and every one has taken a slightly different path. Some people swear by protein shakes. I think they taste like holding back you own puke.

    Calorie deficit for decreasing weight. Exercise for fitness.

    Easy to say, more or less difficult to execute.

  • kirstyfoy
    kirstyfoy Posts: 139 Member
    I have Belvita Breakfast biscuits. They are really nice and easy to eat at work so I don't have to get up any earlier. At the weekends I have oat so simple porridge. You pour milk into the sachet and the sachet into a bowl and zap it in the microwave for 2 minutes.

    I definitely find it easier to diet by having breakfast.
  • Porridge is a really good one, I use the ones in the sachet, which work out about 15 pence each (23 cents) each and then add 180 ml of semi skimmed milk. It is about 180-215 calories, but really fills you up for the day. It takes 2 minutes in the microwave and involves no measuring jug! I get up, go straight to the kitchen, put it in the microwave and then get ready, by the time I am ready it has cooled so I can eat it quickly and then get on with my day!
  • I live by the research I have done which is: if it was made in a plant (processed, high sugar, high Trans fat, etc.) don't eat it. If it was made on a plant, eat it. As far as breakfast, I find that a high protein breakfast, lunch and dinner help keep my energy level high. Research shows that eating high carb sugery breakfast will cause weight gain more than those that ate high protein. I find that smoothies are a great fast breakfast for me. Add nut milk (almond, coconut) with a protein powder and green vegetables (spinach, kale) and some fruit (I like frozen it keeps longer). This is a fast, inexpensive breakfast (I found a smoothie make at a large retail store for $20). Since eating by this rule, I've lost 40 pounds in the last 12 months, have sustainable energy all day, and have never felt better. There are lots of research but more than not say, eat breakfast.