Morning workouts



  • heatherannh23
    heatherannh23 Posts: 71 Member
    I listen to podcasts as I work out. Lately it's been Serial. I get up excited to listen to it that I don't go back to sleep once I'm up. Although I'm almost at the end of the season and don't know what to do when it's over.
  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    I listen to podcasts as I work out. Lately it's been Serial. I get up excited to listen to it that I don't go back to sleep once I'm up. Although I'm almost at the end of the season and don't know what to do when it's over.

  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    Listen to music that gets you going. Rep your fast run Sprint s to your favorites .Pandora as well as others has work out tune s. It helps
  • cupcakebiatch
    cupcakebiatch Posts: 5 Member
    I set my work out clothes out at night and have my coffee ready to go. I set my phone out of reach so when my alarm goes off I have to get out of bed. I also pick exactly what work out routine I'll do the night before. I think if you prep before hand all you need to do is wake up and get that coffee in you and realize you didn't just do all that to skip your work out lol. It takes s couple weeks and then it'll be second nature and just be part of your daily routine :)
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    edited February 2015
    So funny I was considering posing this exact same question. I'm coming to the conclusion it might just be mind over matter. Ofc i also have an irrational fear of the gym which isn't helpful at 5am. I have tried setting clothes out at night and preparing my meals and such for the day the night before, but all that seems to do is encourage me to hit snooze.

    I think one morning (perhaps when t here isn't 2ft of snow on the ground) i hope i just wake up and it happens because I really think that first time is the hardest.

    Watching this thread with interest
  • I tried the whole coffee+podcast+530 am workout. Man, I have to say, I feel so fresh and relieved that I have the rest of the day to run other chores. The biggest worry I have now is to get in bed by 10. That's going to be a challenge. Any tips on that? Also, if you happen to skip one or two days, how do you get back in routine?
  • I scrolled through and didn't see a mention of it but I use a pre-workout called Energy and Endurance. It's sold by Beachbody; I bought it at the suggestion of my friend. I've known other pre-workouts to be just as good, as well. I wake up at 6:15, mix and drink it in bed, lay down for another ten or so minutes, then get up and work out. I've really noticed a difference! It perks me up (B-vitamin complex can do that!) and improves my workout. I'm not quite used to that early of a schedule yet, I usually wake up at 7:15, but it's made a marked difference.
  • I use my treadmill time as my "check Facebook time". Gives me something to look forward to. If that gets boring, I hit Hulu or Netflix.
  • txfatburn
    txfatburn Posts: 7 Member
    I LOVE my THRIVE Plus - Activate. It really does give me sustained energy and better performance. It also is all natural, GMO-FREE and helps with immune support too so killing two birds with one stone. Check it out at

    I also drink bulletproof coffee (organic coffee w/ Coffee++ and coconut oil), works amazingly!
  • I have 6:00 am workouts Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. All are swim workouts with a local Masters Swim Team ( What helps me get moving in the morning is, 1st thing instead of Coffee, get into the shower, that helps wake me up. Second thing that helps is routine, I basically do the same thing each time. 5:00 am, shower, pack my swim bag, leave at 5:30, arrive about 5:45, stretch for a few minutes before, get in the pool at 6. The third thing that helps is the social aspect of the workout. There are usually, 3 to 4 of us in each lane. Getting to know others in and around my lane helps motivate me to be there. I suggest finding people to workout with. Lastly, things like MFP, can help create accountability if you allow it to, tell your MFP friends what your goal is and ask them to check in with you to see if you have accomplished your goal.

    I hope this helps! I find that it is much easier to get up on swim days than the off days, even though I am getting up much earlier.


  • I'm just proud of you! I've been walking on & off treadmill for a year. Finally I jumped to a small jog going 3.5mph for 30 min. It's a chore, but it makes me feel good about myself. I'm a bit sporadic, but I'd say 3-4 times a week. I haven't seen weight loss, that is why I'm here at this sight. I wanted to start calorie counting & portion control. But I'm here to say, mornings are my favorite time. It's just more likely to happen rather than any other time. I make it first thing, like you too! Good job!
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    I think that when you first decide to work out in the mornings, you need to commit to it 5 days a week. It's too easy to skip a day. Also, you don't have to do your entire workout if you don't have time - if you only have 15 minutes, then do 15 minutes. Just do something every day. I used to have a few 15 - 30 min DVDs when I was really time crunched (a practice I should re-instate).
    Having everything ready the night before is also crucial. Have the coffee ready to go or on a timer. Know what you'll eat and possibly have it ready or on the counter. And get your workout gear all together. I've blown off my workout more times than I'd like to admit because my I-pod wasn't charged, my favorite shorts were dirty or something similar.

    I hope you'll try the morning workout - I love it.
  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    It is mind SET. My stuff is in gym bag. Allways. I shoot for 7 days for ever!! You see the same Diehards. Every day It's funny you don't know them personally. But you do know them from the gym .But when you don't show up. Weather or family or work they do notice. And they show concerns for where you were. Just like friend s on your MVP. They are keeping you accountable and that's amazing. We are all truly keeping the faith.!!
  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    for those of you who have to workout in the morning : how do you motivate yourself to get moving so early??

    I'm finding the only time I have for a workout is 5:00 - 5:30 or 6:00 am . I'm struggling though. My brain is foggy before my coffee, and my body is sluggish. How do I get myself up and moving, when the prospect of rather drinking my cup of coffee in peace, before the chaos of family life starts?
    workout time is the best time of my day! No kids fighting, no laundry, no work, no meetings. Just me and the satisfying feeling of being able to do what I want plus something that's good for me.
    I rarely have difficulties getting out of bed. Workouts are not a chore, they are a cherished luxury I grant myself!

    (Homeschooling mom of 5 kids...)

  • I've always been an early riser (4:00 am) so jumping from bed to rowing machine for a 2000m row is the first thing I do. I feel much looser after a 14 minute session. Then shower, shave and off to the gym for a real one hour workout by 7:00am.
  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    Agreed. 100 percent. Really ready for anything and everything in the day.You have all ready Kicked IT. Bring on class I just came from Recess. Really ready to go now. Bring it!!
  • omaseng
    omaseng Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks heidispideymfp for posting this!
    I definitely need motivation to do morning workouts and the suggestions in these posts are awesome!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I got used to it but it took time. I'd conk out early in the evening though.
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks all your suggestions are awesome! I've set my alarm for 5, so I'm getting used to the hour, and yesterday I even slept in my workout clothes so that id have no excuse, and then my son woke at 4:45, and was up for the day, so that was that
  • abarriere
    abarriere Posts: 135 Member
    I have to get up twice during the work week at 4:15 to make my 5 am workouts. I make sure to schedule one of them with my personal trainer, that way i know I will get up if I have an appointment. I schedule my other 3 workouts friday-sunday at a more reasonable hour, usually afternoon or mid-morning and my husband either watches the baby or we bring him to the gym with us. With working and a family, it's either work out at 5 am during the week or not at all.

    I also pack everything (work clothes, lunch and snacks for the next day, etc) the night before and sleep in my workout clothes. I am still working on the routine though because I forgot my work dress today and had to rush home all frazzled.