Need Help!

This is my second attempt with MFP. I want to make this year my year to get my life back on track. For years I've been struggling to get and stay healthy. Lately I've been struggling with the motivation to get to the gym. I've also been indulging too much. I'm hoping to meet some people who have been in this boat and can give me some advice to kick myself into gear. I do find it hard to make time for myself. I'm self-employed and work 10-12 hours most days. Any advice and new friends would be greatly appreciated :smile:


  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Sending FR! I think I've done MFP like 3 times now and tomorrow marks my 400th consecutive day so don't ever feel like you can't do it! I work full time and am a mom of 2 little ones so time for myself only happens at 5am. Sounds harsh, but if I don't get up and do it I never will.
    Just a few tips I've learned along the way..
    (1) Log everything!
    (2) Measure everything!
    (3) Figure out your BMR & TDEE -20% and stay between these numbers. Don't fall into the same trap of having MFP set up your goals at "lose 2 pounds a week". 1200 is too low for most people and explains the attrition rate
    (4) Drink water (at least 8 cups a day)
    (5) Watch your sodium (avoid prepackaged and fast foods)
    (6) Make more meals from home
    (7) Don't get discouraged if you have a bad meal/day/week. We've all been there. Just get back on the horse and keep going at the next opportunity!

    Hope this helps and best of luck to you!
  • ori519
    ori519 Posts: 8 Member
    As for keeping your motivation to go to the gym - I have found that if you take classes, the dynamic is more fun. I would def recommend classes as it keeps me going and many times other people will inquire why you haven't been around...which def keeps me accountable.
  • TLGriffin2015
    I agree with everything that cathipa said!!! I am in the same boat as you. Motivating myself is so hard, I could use a boost from folks who know what I'm going through. So I would love to be able to turn around and motivate you too!! We can do this!!!
  • jessmm1229
    Thank you ladies! All wonderful advice :smile:
    Just what I needed to hear!
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    Sending you a friend request! I've don eit so many times over the years- and starting last summer is the only time it really "stuck" for me. I love having more friends and am trying to get more active with friends/community again. :)
  • alwalker2001
    I was in your same boat!! I just signed up for a marathon and now have found myself at the gym. Lol! I had kept saying for years I will train for a marathon. But I never do. So now I signed up and its motivated me to stay focused and eat right because I don't want to fail myself. I still indulge though.