Back at it... Again

corrinesheffy Posts: 11 Member
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Corrine and though I just started using myfitnesspal, I am no stranger to the site. I am currently starting my third venture to lose weight. I have don't it twice already successfully but was not able I maintain. I am 23 years old and started at 208lbs. Most I have ever weighed in my life. I would love to meet some supportive friends on the site since I don't know many people who use it.


  • Kerrieann66
    Kerrieann66 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Corrine! I am much more experienced at this than you (will be 49 this year!) I have had to work at my weight my entire life!!! I have been on this sight, Weight Watchers (actually became a Lifetime member 21 years ago), all protein diets, Usana... but I have not been back to my goal weight in about 5 years now. You will learn something new from each attempt at losing... so don't feel that you have failed. Going back to bad habits will only put you further from your goal - so just keep trucking and take it one day at a time!!
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    Hi Corrine! I'm definitely going to add you. It took me so many times to actually stick with weight loss. And I've had a few ups and downs over the last year- but even so, I have come back and haven't had any major gains from taking a few weeks off here and there. I would love to be friends and help encourage you!
  • kodak1122
    kodak1122 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Corrine!! This is my second round with My Fitness Pal. Definitely add me as a friend.
  • francesca2334
    francesca2334 Posts: 11 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, this is my third attempt with MFP. I've been really sucessful, and manged to maintain for quite a while and then I've slipped back (and repeated the pattern), everyone feel free to add me :) hopefully we can motivate each other and make it permanent this time
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    You can do it! I'm down 37 lbs and I'm a busy mom of 4. Add me as a friend!
  • Hi Corrine!! This is my second time and I'm hoping to stick with it. Besides my sister (who by the way does not know the challenges of a heavy set girl lol), I don't know anyone else using this site. Lets support each other to achieve our goals!
  • corrinesheffy
    corrinesheffy Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all the positive support everyone!! It's very encouraging to hear back and know that there are such friendly people on here! I never got into the community aspect of mf when I used it before but I'm excited to now :)
  • woops123
    woops123 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi and good luck to you! I've tried many times and failed to maintain it too. Once lost 3 stones and surpassed my losing weight goal...then I added it all back on plus a bit extra ^^
    Trying it again and hopefully it'll stick this time :) I currently weigh 68kg and I'm trying to get to 55 hopefully!

    Again goood luck and keep going! ^^
  • corrinesheffy
    corrinesheffy Posts: 11 Member
    Ahhh doesn't it stink! But at least you want to do it again! Same with me, I couldn't imagine not doing something now and then seeing where I would be a few years down the road. Better late than never! Thanks for the encouragement and good luck to you as well!!
  • mija029
    mija029 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! This is my third attempt with this site. Last year I lost 35lbs by using the 21 day fix, then gained it back when we moved our family from Hawaii to Connecticut. I'm the mother of 4 and I want to be ready for our summer time adventures. I'm always in need of motivation, so if you or anyone else wants to add me that would be great :)