Need motivation

I love my Fitbit but I need motivation from human beings going trough similar eating and exercise distractions!


  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome! I'm down 37 lbs so far and a busy mom of 4. If I can do it, anyone can! Add me as a friend.
  • AZHeatMomma5
    AZHeatMomma5 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi barberlady101, I'm new to the community . But I can help be a motivation as I myself am getting back on track
  • Stevearoonie
    Stevearoonie Posts: 43 Member
    22 lbs lost and 35 to go! Be glad to help in your journey, if I can! :-) Best of luck!
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    I love my fitbit but I need the same kind of motivation from people, too! I've lost 44lbs so far and have 33 to go. I'm going to add you as a friend and we can motivate each other!
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    This is just the post I needed this morning. I have lost 13 pounds and I have 85 pounds to lose. This morning I did not lose a pound but I am confident that I can do this.
  • Brimixed
    Brimixed Posts: 186 Member
    Hey! I just deleted my old mfp and made this one. Looking for active friends to keep each other motivated!
  • barberlady101
    barberlady101 Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning! Thanks for all the positive feed back! You're all an inspiration!
    I run the risk of sounding like a complete idiot BUT...I can't figure out how to "friend" you guys, help! :(
  • MelsFitLife
    MelsFitLife Posts: 106 Member
    Please add me. I need motivation too!