Weight loss.

Had my weigh in today and am quite pleased to have lost 2lb......


  • birdieh
    birdieh Posts: 4 Member
    I started a month ago and got off track. I had lost 7 pounds but gained it all back. I just started up again and have lost 3 pounds again. I could use a friend to stay accountable to. I am really motivated. I really want to lose 20 pounds by summer. I have a lot of stress in my life with family and no support, so food has been my "go to" for comfort. If you'd like to encourage each other, I am on board with that!!!!! :) Hope to hear from you soon. Birdie
  • freddo52
    freddo52 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Birdie, glad to hear you've started back to it... Sometimes it's hard keeping motivated... I'm gonna try hard this week... Hope you do too..... I'm gonna just take it slow and not try to rush it maybe it will stay off longer....